Chapter 4 Second elimination (4th Stunt)

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 The seven couples are walking to their next stunt holding their partner's hand. They see Dawson and they are ready to see what is next.

"How is everyone feeling?" asked Dawson.

The couples started cheering and clapping to see what was next. They saw a blender and something covered on a table.

"First of all, congrats to Graham and Tasha for winning twenty thousand dollars and a trip to LA. You guys also get the privilege to access a penalty to any couple you chose. Has everyone been nice to you guys" asked Dawson

"Yes, this was a difficult decision to pick one couple when we like everyone equally," said Tasha.

"Well Serena and Andrew, you guys didn't get to compete in the last stunt. That must make you guys feel good about this stunt" said Dawson.

"We are fully rested because we didn't have to do anything and save our energy for this stunt," said Andrew.

"We are well-rested. the other couples are doomed in this stunt" said Serena.

Dawson uncovers a bowl beside the blender full of Balut eggs (Balut is a fertilized developing egg embryo that is boiled and eaten from the shell).

"Here is your next stunt," said Dawson as he pops the balut into the blender, covers the blender, and blend the balut up into a smoothie-like texture. All the couples were shocked when they got what they will be doing for their next stunt.

"You and your partner will each have to suck down sixteen ounces of blended balut eggs, hit a red button, and get launched off the building over a hundred feet in the air. The couple that does this the slowest will be going home. The couple that does this the fastest will win ten thousand dollars. Here is where the penalty comes in, whoever Tasha and Graham choose to give this, in addition to drinking the balut will also have to consume one shot each of blended duck feet. Now Graham and Tasha, have you guys decided on who is getting the penalty?" asked Dawson.

"We have made a decision, we love everyone in this group," said Tasha

"But we have decided to give the penalty to Caitlynn and Kim because we saw that Kim had no problem eating the eyeballs in the second stunt so that is the reason behind our decision," said Graham.

"Ok, we have randomly selected today's order, going first will Jacob and Paige, you guys head out and get suited up to get this stunt underway," said Dawson as the first couple went off to the stunt.

Jacob and Paige went to see the crew to get each of them into a safety harness and attached a cord to the back of their harness, so that is safe for them. The cord is attached by a crane on the ground below the building. Paige took her glasses off to prevent them from breaking. Jacob and Paige took their spot at their table that has a glass with blended balut inside on the table with a red button beside it.

"What do you guys think will happen?" said Dawson.

"I think they will do well but not as well as us," said Zac.

"Alright, I will go and get things started," said Dawson, walking towards Jacob and Paige.

"We are ready to go Dawson, but I am nervous about getting launched off this building because this is scary," said Paige.

"Well, just remember the cables that you guys are attached to will not break when you get launched, so your safety is in good hands. Here we go in three, two, one, GO" said Dawson.

Jacob and Paige started sucking down their drink, trying to drink it fast. after twenty-three seconds, Jacob was finished, showing Dawson his glass to confirm he was done. He pushed his button and got launched in the air. Paige took a bit longer but got her drink down, and showed Dawson her glass to confirm she was done. She pushed her button and got launched in the air. Their time was thirty-four seconds. they were lowered to the ground, released from the crane, and puked. They were happy with their time of thirty-four seconds. They later join the rest of the group.

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