Chapter 7 Seventh stunt

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 The five remaining couples are walking to their next stunt holding their partner's hand. They see Dawson and they are ready to see what is next.

"How is everyone feeling?" asked Dawson.

The couples started cheering and clapping to see what was next. They saw two covered boxes and a hook that Dawson was holding. They also saw two cars beside them.

"Thanks to Emily Kooiman for taking my place while I was recovering. We may see her in future stunts. So far, Nancy and Steve along with Zac and Ashley haven't won anything to this point, but that can all change. Here is your next stunt" said Dawson, uncovering the two boxes.

The couples saw the glass boxes and saw that something was in each box. One box had spiders in it while the other had snakes.

"The men will have their heads trapped in a box with snakes. The women's heads will be locked in the other box filled with over two hundred tarantulas. On GO, you will have to push yourself across the wet floor to receive the hooks, which you will then use to collect those tools to free yourself from the box. No one will be eliminated today. Instead, whichever couple can complete this stunt the fastest will win two brand new two thousand and twenty-two Jeep Grand Cherokees" said Dawson.

The five couples saw the two new cars and wanted to get things underway.

"We have randomly selected today's order and the first couple will be Olga and Kyle. You guys, good luck" said Dawson.

Olga and Kyle went to the safety crew and gave them each a pair of goggles to put on to protect their eyes. They also gave Olga a nose clip and earplugs to wear to prevent the hair of the tarantulas from going into her nose and ears. They both laid down on their back, they put their heads in the box. They put hundreds of snakes in Kyle's box and hundreds of tarantulas in Olga's box.

"Alright Olga and Kyle, you guys are up first. Here we go in three, two, one, GO" said Dawson.

Olga and Kyle started pushing themselves to the other side, but they were having a bit of trouble because the floor was wet. Olga was trying to stay calm with all the tarantulas crawling on her head but she had a hard time moving with the box on her head. Meanwhile, Kyle was loving the snakes in his box. He managed to get to the tools, he grabbed the hook to grab the tools, and he got the tools to free himself from the box. Kyle got the screws off his box and managed to escape his box in three minutes. He then came to help Olga who was struggling to move. He pushed her to the other side, got her tools, and worked together to get her out of the box. She was trying to stay calm but she wanted to get out. Kyle managed to get Olga out of the box. Their time was six minutes and two seconds. They walked back to the group, happy that they were done.

"Welcome back Olga and Kyle. How was it?" asked Dawson.

"They were crawling all around my head and the box is really hard to move. But I am happy that it's over" said Olga.

"Well good job to you guys. Your time is six minutes and two seconds. That is the mark to beat. The next couple up is Steve and Nancy. good luck" said, Dawson.

Steve and Nancy went to the safety crew and gave them each a pair of goggles to put on to protect their eyes. They also gave Nancy a nose clip and earplugs to wear to prevent the hair of the tarantulas from going into her nose and ears. They both laid down on their back, they put their heads in the box. They put the snakes in Steve's box and the tarantulas in Nancy's box.

"Alright Steve and Nancy, time to beat six minutes and two seconds. Here we go in three, two, one, GO" said Dawson.

Steve and Nancy started pushing the boxes but Nancy couldn't move. she keeps sliding but not going anywhere. Meanwhile, Steve managed to get to the hook and use it to grab the tools. Nancy still couldn't move so Steve was trying to get himself out of the box so he can help her. Steve got the screws off his box and got out of the box in two minutes and thirty seconds. He went to Nancy, pushed her to the other side, and started working on the screws on her box. Nancy was trying to not freak out while Steve was removing the screws to get her out. Steve managed to get Nancy out of the box. Their time is five minutes and ten seconds. They beat Olga and Kyle's time by fifty-two seconds. They walked back to the group, happy that they were done.

"Welcome back Steve and Nancy. they are in the lead for the moment unless Andrew and Serena can beat their time. You two, good luck" said Dawson.

Andrew and Serena went to the safety crew and gave them each a pair of goggles to put on to protect their eyes. They also gave Serena a nose clip and earplugs to wear to prevent the hair of the tarantulas from going into her nose and ears. They both laid down on their back, they put their heads in the box. They put the snakes in Andrew's box and the tarantulas in Serena's box.

"Alright Andrew and Serena, the time to beat is five minutes and ten seconds. Here we go in three, two, one, GO" said Dawson.

Serena and Andrew started pushing themselves to the other side. Andrew got to the end first while Serena was not too far behind and got to the other end as well. They got the hook and hooked the tools they need. Serena hooked all four tools at the same time. They both started working on the screws to get them out of the box at the same time. Andrew managed to get all four screws off, got out of the box, and went to help Serena, who got out of the box a little bit longer than Andrew. Their time was three minutes and fifty-eight seconds. They beat Steve and Nancy's time by one minute and twelve seconds. They walked back to the group, happy that they were done.

"Welcome back Serena and Andrew. They are the new leader for the moment unless Graham and Tasha can crush their time. You two, good luck" said Dawson.

Graham and Tasha went to the safety crew and gave them each a pair of goggles to put on to protect their eyes. They also gave Tasha a nose clip and earplugs to wear to prevent the hair of the tarantulas from going into her nose and ears. They both laid down on their back, they put their heads in the box. They put the snakes in Graham's box and the tarantulas in Tasha's box.

"Alright Graham and Tasha, time to beat is three minutes and fifty-eight seconds. Here we go in three, two, one, GO" said Dawson.

Tasha and Graham started pushing themselves to the other side. Tasha was using up a lot of energy moving her box to the other side while Graham was going slow to not use so much energy. Graham and Tasha got to the other side and grabbed the hook to collect the tools. Tasha dropped one but she couldn't find it. Graham told her to try her best and he is coming. Graham managed to get the screws off his box and got himself out. He went to Tasha to help her out of the box. Tasha got out of the box, stopping the clock. Their time was three minutes and thirteen seconds. They beat Serena and Andrew's time by forty-five seconds. They walked back to the group, happy that they were done.

"Welcome back Tasha and Graham. They are the new leaders. Zac and Ashley, you know the time to beat. You two, good luck" said Dawson.

Zac and Ashley went to the safety crew and gave them each a pair of goggles to put on to protect their eyes. They also gave Ashley a nose clip and earplugs to wear to prevent the hair of the tarantulas from going into her nose and ears. They both laid down on their back, they put their heads in the box. They put the snakes in Zac's box and the tarantulas in Ashley's box.

"Alright Zac and Ashley, this is it. For the two thousand and twenty-two Jeep Grand Cherokees. The time to beat is three minutes and thirteen seconds. Here we go in three, two, one, GO" said Dawson.

Zac and Ashley start pushing themselves to the other side. Ashley was ahead of Zac as they both got to the other side. Ashley grabbed Zac's hook. She gave it to him and found hers. They both grabbed the tools they needed to undo the screws on their box. They were doing well, especially with all the spiders crawling all over Ashley's head. Zac managed to get out of his box and rushed to help Ashley get out of hers. They managed to get her out and the clock was stopped. Their time was two minutes and forty-five seconds.

"Zac and Ashley, you guys won the cars. Congrats" said, Dawson.

Zac and Ashley were happy to win the cars and wanted to explore them. Ashley asked Zac to check her back to see if any tarantulas were on her. Zac checked and there were none.

"Well, that is it for today. Zac and Ashley won the cars. Now let's get out of here and see what is in store for you guys next on this journey" said Dawson.

The five couples left with Dawson and were wondering what was in store for them next.

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