Chapter 13 Thirteenth stunt

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 The three couples are walking to their next stunt holding their partner's hand. They see Dawson beside a table with a covered blender and they are ready to see what is next.

"We are down to three couples," said Dawson

Everyone started cheering. They saw that there was something covered on a table. They were ready to see what they were going to do.

"First of all, congrats to all three couples for making it to the finals. Graham and Tasha, has this experience brought you guys closer than ever?" asked Dawson.

"It has because we can depend on each other even when things get tough," said Tasha.

"I agree on that because I feel like married couples can do things just as great as dating or engaged couples can," said Graham.

"Zac and Ashley, you guys were on a four-stunt winning streak but then the last two stunts were not your best. Has that extinguished your fire or is it still burning?" asked Dawson.

"Our fire is still burning and we are not stopping until the game's end, " Ashley said.

"I was nervous that we would have gone home if it wasn't for Nancy's mistake but I am glad to be here," said Zac.

"Olga and Kyle, you guys have been trying your best in all the stunts. Have you guys had enough or do you want to win?" asked Dawson.

"It ain't over until it's over. Of course, we want to win," said Olga.

"We haven't come this far to quit. Let's get to the next stunt" said Kyle.

"All right. You guys have a one-in-three chance of winning the million dollars. Ready to see your next stunt?" asked Dawson.

The three couples were excited and nervous to hear their next stunt as Dawson uncovered a blender filled with something green and meat.

"You guys are going to have to drink blended bullfrog mixed with swamp water," said Dawson, starting the blender to mix the smoothie.

The couples were looking at the blender as it mixed the frog and water.

"You are going to each drink sixteen ounces of blended bullfrog. The whole frog like its feet, head, guts, everything" said Dawson, stopping the blender.

"That is what I am talking about," said Kyle.

"I would like to remind you guys and the readers that I don't come up with anything here. Don't get mad at me because I just work here" said Dawson.

Everyone was laughing at what Dawson said.

"Here is how it will work. The ladies will be locked in a bamboo cage filled with hundreds of bullfrogs. On GO, the men will have to run through the swamp to a pit filled with scorpions to retrieve a key. Once they have the key, they will run back to unlock the first lock, run back through the swamp to a second pit filled with hundreds of rats, where they will have to retrieve a key from the rat pit using only their mouth, run back to the cage again, unlock the second lock, then you will both run back over to me and each drink sixteen ounces of blended bullfrog and swamp water. No one will be eliminated today. Instead, whichever couple can complete this stunt the fastest will win two brand new two thousand and twenty-two Jeep Terrain Denali" said Dawson.

The three couples saw the two new cars and wanted to get things underway.

"We have randomly selected today's order and the first couple will be Olga and Kyle. You guys, come with me" said Dawson.

Dawson grabbed Kyle and Olga to talk to them before the stunt.

"Alright Olga and Kyle, you guys are in the finale, how are you guys feeling about going up against the two other couples?" asked Dawson.

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