Chapter 10 Fourth elimination

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WARNING! The stunt that you are about to read was designed and supervised by trained professionals. Any electrical current can be extremely dangerous and shocks will result in severe injury or death. Do not mess around with electricity.

The five couples are walking to their next stunt holding their partner's hand. They see Emily and they are ready to see what is next.

"How is everyone feeling after the swim?" asked Emily.

All five couples started clapping and cheering. They saw a maze of wires with four flags and wondered what would happen.

"First thing, congrats to Zac and Ashley for winning two iPods. they have also won the ability to pick today's order in this stunt. Tonight, one couple will be eliminated leaving only four couples still in the hunt for one million dollars. Here is your next stunt" said Emily.

The couples looked at the maze and were wondering what will happen.

"You will be handcuffed to your partner, you will have to make your way through that maze, enduring jolts of electricity every time you hit a wire. Whichever couple can withstand the electricity and transfer four flags the fastest will win ten thousand dollars. The couple that does this the slowest will be eliminated. You will be wearing only shorts, t-shirts and bare feet so you will get shocked even more. The men will grab the two yellow flags in terms of the flags and the women will grab the two red flags. Now, Zac and Ashley, you get to pick the order. Have you decided who is going first?" asked Emily.

"We have and this is not a shocker to anyone," said Zac.

"So who is going first?" asked Emily.

"Our favorite couple, Andrew and Serena, are going first," said Ashley.

"Andrew, do you feel that Serena's big mouth gets you guys in trouble with Zac and Ashley?" asked Emily.

"This is not the first time," said Andrew.

"Serena and Andrew, are you guys ready to start?" asked Emily.

"Ready as we will ever be," said Serena.

"Good luck," said Emily, sending Andrew and Serena to start the stunt.

Andrew and Serena headed out to get ready. They both took their shoes off and strip into shorts and t-shirts. Andrew and Serena got to the beginning of the maze, the safety crew put a pair of handcuffs on Serena and Andrew's inside wrists. They were ready to start the stunt.

"Here we go, but first flip the power on," said Emily to the safety crew to electric the wires for the stunt.

The stunt was ready as were Andrew and Serena.

"Andrew and Serena, you guys are up first, set that bar. Here we go in three, two, one, GO" said Emily.

They went into the maze and went as fast as they can and ignoring the shocks. Andrew got his first yellow flag in six seconds. They kept going and Andrew got his second yellow flag in seventeen seconds. They started slowing down and Serena got her first red flag in thirty-two seconds. They keep their cool as they went farther through the maze. Serena got her second red flag in forty-eight seconds. They got to the pole and started attracting their flags to stop the clock. They finished with a time of one minute and five seconds. They return to the group after getting uncuffed from each other, put on their shoes, and got changed into their jackets and pants.

"Welcome back Andrew and Serena, how was it?" asked Emily.

"That was crap," said Serena.

"I can still feel the electricity going through my body but I am glad that we are done with the stunt," said Andrew.

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