Chapter 12 Fifth Elimination

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The four couples are walking to their next stunt holding their partner's hand. They see Dawson near a train track and they are ready to see what is next.

"How is everyone feeling?" asked Dawson.

All four couples started clapping and cheering. They heard a train coming and they were wondering what will happen.

"First thing, congrats to Steve and Nancy for winning yesterday's stunt, they won a trip to Belize and the ability to pick today's order. Here is your next stunt. As that train fumbles down the track, you and your partner will have to maintain your balance while walking along those twelve-inch wide beams. You both will be holding on to a single rope and you will be supporting your partner as they lean out to grab those five flags. Whichever couple can do this fastest or gets the most flag before falling will win ten thousand dollars. The couple that does this the slowest or gets the least amount will be eliminated" said Dawson.

"Wow, that is crazy," said Olga.

"Now Steve and Nancy, you guys did the best in the last stunt, so you get to pick today's order. Which couple is going first?" asked Dawson.

"Well since they didn't do well with ropes in the first stunt, we decided that Graham and Tasha are going first," said Nancy.

"Alright Graham and Tasha, come with me while everyone else, go hop onto the train," said Dawson.

As the other three couples got onto a cart on the train, Dawson took Graham and Tasha to talk to them.

"Graham and Tasha, you guys are first, what do you guys think of this stunt?" asked Dawson.

"I think Steve and Nancy made a mistake picking us to go first, but I think we will do well," said Tasha.

"I just want to mention that the flags will be adjusted based on your height so that way everything is fair for everyone. Good luck to both of you," said Dawson.

Dawson left as Graham and Tasha went to see the crew to get each of them into a safety harness and attached a cord to the back of their harness, so that is safe for them. They were also wearing helmets to protect their heads. The cords were attached to the top of the beams to prevent someone from hitting the ground. Graham and Tasha climbed onto the top of the cart and were standing on the beams. They were ready to go.

"Alright Zac and Ashley, did you guys think you were going first?" asked Dawson.

"I had a feeling we should be but I am glad that we are not," said Zac

The train started to move down the track. Graham and Tasha grabbed the rope. They were getting ready to start.

"Alright, the train is getting up to speed. Graham will have to hold the rope while Tasha grabs the flags. Time starts on the horn and time stops when Tasha grabbed the last flag," said Dawson.

The horn honked, letting Graham and Tasha know that they had to go. Graham was holding her while Tasha grabbed the first flag in ten seconds. They were a little farther on the beam, trying to keep their balance as they went to the second flag which was a bit farther out. Tasha grabbed the second flag and they walked a bit farther to grab their third flag. Tasha was telling Graham to hold her while she got the third flag. Tasha almost lost her balance while she grabbed the fourth flag. Tasha grabbed the fifth flag before she fell off the beam, but the cord that was attached to her harness caught her and they were done. Graham and Tasha got five flags in forty-nine seconds. They got their harness off and went to the rest of the group.

"Congrats to Tasha and Graham, you guys got all five flags in forty-nine seconds, that will be tough to beat. How was it" asked Dawson.

"That is a lot harder than it looks because I don't have a lot of balance but I am glad we did well," said Tasha.

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