Chapter 11 Eleventh stunt

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The four couples are walking to their next stunt holding their partner's hand. They see Dawson on a picnic table and they are ready to see what is next.

"Have a seat. Let's get this party started. We are down to four couples." said Dawson

Everyone grabbed a seat at the picnic table. They saw that there was something covered on the table for each couple. They were ready to see what they were going to do.

"First of all, thanks to Emily for taking over as host while I was dealing with family issues. But I am happy to say I am back at the host. We will see Emily at the very last stunt. Right now, let's have a recap. Ashley and Zac have won forty thousand dollars, two need Jeeps, and 2 new iPods. Kyle and Olga have won a seven-day trip to Grand Lido Negril in Jamaica. Graham and Tasha have won twenty thousand dollars and a trip to LA. Steve and Nancy haven't won anything else, but today might be their day to win. I have good news for this stunt, no one will be eliminated today. Instead, you will be competing for a two-week trip to Belize" said Dawson.

The couples started cheering at the prize and wanted to get things started.

"But first, you will have to get through this. Guys, take those covers off and place them behind you" said Dawson as the men took the covers off.

What they saw was a plate filled with bugs and different animal parts. The four couples knew they were going to eat something disgusting.

"Here is your next stunt. In front of each couple is a plate with the most disgusting things that we have used on the show. there are items like octopus, lamb brains, pig snout and tongue, cod egg sack, tarantulas, Madagascar hissing cockroaches, red worms, super worms, stink beetles, and lots of other delicious treats. There are six and a half pounds on each of your plates. Whichever couple can finish the fastest or eats the most weight in twenty minutes will win the trip to Belize and get to pick tomorrow order in the next stunt" said Dawson.

"This is going to suck but I will do it for Zac because I am his partner," said Ashley.

"We got this babe," said Zac.

"Is everyone ready? You don't want Zac and Ashley to win again," said Dawson.

"We don't because we haven't won anything. I hope Nancy can pull her weight in eating" said Steve.

"I will try my best but I wish it was the guys eating while the girl cheers them on. I will go for it" said Nancy.

"you guys ready to do this?" asked Dawson.

"We are ready to win," said Kyle.

"Alright here we go, in three, two, one, GO," said Dawson, starting the race.

The four couples started eating at the same time. Zac decided to hold his nose while eating. Kyle took huge bites while Olga was trying to take a big chunk out of the pig tongue. Ashley decided to try to take a chunk out of the pig snout. Graham was eating the worms while Tasha decided to try the cockroaches but was having trouble keeping them down. The four couples were eating as much as they could and helping their partner.

Ten minutes later, the couples were keep eating. Tasha was struggling to keep any of the food down while Graham was trying to convince her to keep going. Zac and Steve were trying to eat bits of everything while trying to help their partner to not quit. Nancy was about to quit but kept going because Steve cheering her on. Kyle grabbed two cockroaches and shoved them in his mouth and started crunching on the shells. Olga was trying to eat the stink beetles but decided to plug her nose to avoid the smell of the beetles.

There were five minutes left in the stunt, and the couples grabbed the biggest and heaviest items on their plate and start chowing on them. Ashley and Zac were tied with Steve and Nancy. Kyle was trying to keep Olga from quitting. Graham and Tasha kept trying to force the food down. Dawson called the stunt to take the couples know that time is up.

"Everyone, stop eating. The time is up. How was it?" asked Dawson

"Horrible," said Zac.

"Alright, let's see who is going to Belize. You guys started with six and a half pounds on each of your plates" said Dawson, bringing a scale onto the table. He walked to Graham and Tasha, grabbed their box, and place it on the scale.

"Graham and Tasha, you guys have six pounds and one ounce left. You guys ate seven ounces. You guys are in the lead at the moment" said Dawson.

Dawson walked back to Graham and Tasha to put their plate back in front of them, grabbed Olga and Kyle's plate, and place it on the scale.

"Olga and Kyle, you guys have six pounds left. You guys ate eight ounces. You guys are now in the lead for right now" said Dawson.

Dawson walked back to Olga and Kyle to put their plate back in front of them, grabbed Zac and Ashley's plate, and place it on the scale.

"Zac, you were taking some pretty big bites while Ashley was taking smaller bites. You guys have five pounds and five ounces left. You guys ate one pound and three ounces left. You guys are now in the lead" said Dawson.

Dawson walked back to Zac and Ashley to put their plate back in front of them, grabbed Steve and Nancy's plate, and place it on the scale.

"Steve, you went at it like a pitbull. Nancy, you pulled through. Steve and Nancy, you guys have to beat one pound and three ounces to win. You have five pounds left. You guys ate one and a half pounds. Congrats Steve and Nancy, you guys finally won something. You guys just won a two-week trip to Belize," said Dawson, giving Steve and Nancy their plate.

Steve and Nancy were happy to finally win a prize and hugged each other.

"Congrats to Nancy and Steve for winning the trip and you guys also won the power to pick the order in the next stunt. I just want to let you know that we will be down to three couples competing for one million dollars by the next stunt. So let's see what the next stunt has in store" said Dawson.

All four couples got up from the table with Dawson and were wondering what is in store for them next. 

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