Not my type (chapter 8)

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After you all had your little meeting Benny went up to smalls and told him to go to the left side of the field.Smalls just went to where I was.
"He means all the way over there," I said pointing to the other side of the field

"Oh ok sorry,"smalls said as he went to the other side of the field.

"Hey Mia throw it to third,"Benny said as he got the ball i catches it and threw it to yea-yea.

"Wow," smalls said.

"Hey smalls throw it to second,"Benny said as he hits the ball towards smalls.

"He's not gonna catch it,Benny," squints said.
And they were right it flew over his head and smalls fell.

"I told you Benny we told you," ham said.

"Guys this is his first day don't be so harsh on him,"I shouted so they could all hear me.Smalls then gets up and goes over to grab the ball.

"Cmon Benny why'd you do that,"Kenny asks as he watches smalls go get the ball.

"He's a square Benny the kids a square," squints takes his glasses of and looks at smalls not going to lie I'm surprised he can even see.

Smalls then comes back and tries to throw the ball but he can't so he decides to run it over.

"The hell is he doing,"ham mumbles Kenny looks at me with a shocked look and smacks his gum."I don't believe it,"Kenny said. Smalls keeps running and then he finally places the ball in Kenny's glove.

"Here,sorry.Sorry,"smalls said out of breath while Kenny is still on shock smalls runs back to the left side of the field.Benny then decides to go over there.

"You can throw it y'know?"benny said.

"No.I cant I don't know how..Thanks for taking me here,but I better go," smalls then starts to leave but Benny stops him.

"Hey you think to much, bet you get straight a's and shit huh," Benny smirks and taps smalls on his shoulder.

"No I got a B once." Smalls says as I let out a giggle "It was actually an A- but it should of been a b!" Benny just laughs his laugh is so cute -wait why did I just think that.

"Man this is baseball you gotta stop thinking, Just have fun, I mean if you were having fun you would of caught that ball," there was a long pause "you ever have a paper route?" Benny asked.

"I helped a guy once," smalls replied

"Okay.well chuck it like you would throw a paper and when your arm gets here let go just let go,"Benny demonstrates.

"H-how do I catch it," smalls asks

"Just stand there and stick your glove out in the air.I'll take care of the rest," he runs back to home plate and grabs his bat.

"About time Benny my clothes are going out of style!" Squints shouts.

"They already are squints!" Yea-yea replied

"Shut up," Squints said back

Benny tells smalls to throw it to second. Benny then spits on the ball-gross-(he's lucky he's cute) and then he hits it to smalls.

"Please catch hit please catch it," smalls repeats to himself everyone watches clearly as the ball hits his glove.

"Smalls you did it," I cheered smalls just throws a smile at me as he throws the ball correctly. Kenny just looks at his glove amazed.

"Alright let's play some ball,"I shouted as the guys cheered.

"I knew it I always knew it,"Kenny says to Benny.

We kept playing for a couple of hours until we decided to go home.We dropped of all the guys at their place until it was only smalls,Benny and me.

"Smalls that was amazing," I told smalls

"Thanks," he replied but his hand on the back of his neck.

"Your a natural,"benny told smalls then he looked at me and I nodded.

"You guys are a cute couple," smalls said as me and benny stopped to look at smalls.

"Umm smalls we're not a couple," benny said I was kinda disappointed he said that but I'm used to it.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know," smalls said. I just replied with "It's fine,".

"Yea she isn't really my type," I heard benny whisper to smalls that kinda hurt.

"Umm ima see you guys tomorrow," I said as I started to walk away then I felt someone stop me.

"Want me to walk you," benny said

"No I could walk myself see you tomorrow," I said as I left. I thought something between me and Benny could happen but I guess I was wrong.

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