I quit (chapter 18)

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When I woke up Jeannette was already ready she was wearing a light blue skirt with a matching light blue sweater.

"Mia hurry up we have to go already," Jeannette exclaimed.

"Ok hold on let me change and do my hair," I said getting up from my bed. I quickly went in my closet I put on a purple, red and blue striped shirt some wide legged pants and white long socks with black high top converse. I brushed my teeth then hair and we left the house. When we got to the sandlot the same thing happened from yesterday Benny just saw us he went towards Jeannette and they left.

"God im so sick if this," squints said as him and the guys came toward me.

" Just 2 more weeks 2 more weeks," ham said to himself they are right just 2 more weeks left and she is gone.

" So what do we do now?" Yeah yeah said.

"Hey Mia by any chance do you know where they're going," Kenny asked.

"She told me about them going on a date but that's it," I said.

"What if we go around town and check all the places where we think they could be?" Smalls said.

"Hey I have some walkie-talkies we could use those to communicate," Timmy said.

" alright go get them," we all told Timmy.

{Time skip}

We got the walkie-talkies and we decided to separate I ended up going by myself to look for Benny and Jeannette. I mean we're not doing this to interrupt there date it's just of pure curiosity.

"There not in the park," Squints said through the walkie-talkie.

"Yeah-yeah they aren't," yeah yeah said.

"I already said that moron," squints replied.

"Focus let's keep looking," I said as we all hung up the walkie-talkie.

I was really close to the abandoned building the one Benny and I declared as our place so I decided to go in all the way to the top just to relax while I was going up the stairs I heard giggling. I found that odd but I ignored it when I was on the roof that's where I saw Benny and Jeannette together looking at the whole town. That reminded me of when he brought me here. MY HEART SANK completely to the ground. I quickly turned around and started going down the stairs thats when I heard someone.

"Mia? What are you doing here?" Benny asked.

"I should ask you the same?" I said.

"Jeannette and I are on a date," benny said quietly.

"Oh at our place," I said.

"It doesn't matter anymore Mia I'm dating Jeannette," he said.

"But I thought you liked me benny," I said heartbroken holding back all my tears.

"I would tell you the same mia," benny said.

"I can't believe it all this us it was all a lie did you ever really liked me benny or was I some game to you," I said loudly. Benny stood silent.

" you know what don't even answer me, I can't believe I was that stupid, but ok date her don't come crying to me when she breaks up with  your hypocrite ass," I said,

"O-ok I won't," benny said.

"I know you won't cause I quit, I quit the sandlot and everything we ever had or if we even had something don't ever talk to me again bye benny," I said as I stormed out of there  as tears burst through my eyes.

"Guys abort mission meet at the sandlot," I said on the walkie-talkie. I then walked to the sandlot.

"Mia what happen," yeah yeah said.

"Umm I found them there is nothing we could do about it anymore there dating already," I said.

"Shit," they all said.

"Hey um I won't be able to come to the sandlot anymore," I said holding back my tears.

"No mia please no," Tommy said hugging me.

"Sorry but ima go," I said as I shed one tear. All the guys then came towards me and we all grouped hugged.

"We're going to miss you," ham said.

"Yeah yeah who am i going to practice with," yeah yeah said.

"I'm going to miss you guys to," I said as we all stopped hugging, " you guys know where i live if you need anything," I said.

"Can we still hang out sometimes," squints asked.

"Yes we can, we'll I think I should go bye guys," I said waving at them.

"Bye Mia," they all said sadly.

{ Authors note}
I got logged out of my tiktok account for the sandlot🤭🤭. I'm honestly so mad it won't let me log back in can you like comment on my recent video telling them that I got logged out while I figure it out . Ima post more tomorrow bye have a nice day/ night byeeeeee<33333333

A little game of loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora