I HATE IT(Chapter 17)

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So it's day 2 of Jeannette being her how do I feel you may ask. Well to answer your question I HATE it already. Cause all of a sudden I don't exist to benny. But when she isn't there I am it's pretty weird Ik at this point i don't know what to do. Maybe he's trying to be nice right? I really don't know. I finally got out of my thought out on some blue Jean shorts a white button up crop top I then brushed my hair let it down and put on my blue dodgers hat. Jeannette wore a pink skirt and a pink button up shirt with her hair down and the same brown headband.

"Do I look good Mia," Jeannette asked looking at herself in the mirror.

"Mhm let's go now,"I said as we went to the sandlot.

{Time skip}

Once we got to the sandlot of course Jeannette went with Benny while I walked past them Benny looked at me I just looked at him rolled my eyes and walked over to the rest of the guys.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked.

"Mia we need to talk to you ," Kenny said.

"Um yea what's up," I said.

"We need to get her out of here!" Ham said pointing to Jeannette.

"Yea I mean I get she's your friend and all but she is wasting Benny's time and she isn't the girl we want for him," squints said.

"Finally I thought I had to pretend much longer, trust if I could I would kick her out of my house," I said.

"Isn't she your friend tho," smalls said.

"I'm kinda forced to hang out with her so yea, but what do you mean the girl we want for him?" I asked.

"So um we want to get him with this girl who is she?" I asked.

"Oh she is-" smalls got his mouth covered by ham.

"A GIRL FROM SCHOOL," ham said.

"Oh ok, we're is Benny and Jeannette," I asked looking around.

"They probably left or something," yeah yeah said.

"I'm tired of them man," Kenny said.

"Who isn't Kenny, let's just play I'll bat I guess," I said as we all went to ur positions.
The rest of the time we just played normally but it felt wrong to me Benny Is the leader of the group he is supposed to be here help all of us practice but instead he left us for a girl not just any girl tho, the girl who hurt me and he definitely knew I thought we were friends but matter of fact I thought he liked me. Or maybe he is just showing her around being friendly like he was to me, maybe I'm overthinking I shouldn't stress out much. GOD WHY IS LOVE SO DIFFICULT. When we were about to leave Benny walked in the sandlot.

"Speaking of the devil," I said in a sigh.

"Hey guys I walked Jeannette home she didn't want to get her shoes dirty," he said as he walked over to us.

"Well ok you guys could play ima go," I said walking away.

"Cmon Mia don't leave," yeah yeah said.

"Yeah it's just 5:30," squints said.

"I will be back tomorrow guys I need to go meet up with someone for a job," I said.

"A JOB!" Everyone except for Benny said.

"Yeah I was offered a job I don't know if i should take it tho I'll just see how it is for now," I said.

"But you won't be able to play with us," Timmy said.

"I didn't say I was going to take it Tommy," U said patting his head.

"I will se you guys tomorrow," I said waving bye at them as they waved back.

I don't really think I will take the job I needed an excuse to leave but now actually thinking about it I think I may. But if I do I may not be able to play with the guys. Well if something bad ever happens that I don't play with them anymore I will take the job I mean it really isn't a bad idea I mean I would have my own money to hello my parents out I guess I will think about it. I thought as I entered my home.

"I'm home," I said as no one answered.

"Hellooo??" I said

"Oh sorry I was doing something your mom isn't here right now," Jeannette said.

"It's fine where we're you," I asked Jeannette.

"Umm Benny and I were talking the whole time and then he walked me home," Jeannette said as she started painting her nails.

"What did he um tell you," I said as I sat down infront of her.

"He invited me to go somewhere tomorrow," she said.

" so on a date," I said kinda quietly.

"I guess you could call it that," she said as she looked up to me. " you know I hate to admit this but I think I like Benny," Jeannette said as she continued painting her nails.

"Oh," I said god I felt a little tear run down my cheek i quickly wiped it away.

"Yea so i need to look good tomorrow," she said .

"You always look good Jeannette," I said kinda annoyed.

"Everyone says that, you should have your hair down more often you look good," Jeannette said.

"I think I should, you have a white nail polish or something," I asked.

"Yea here," she said handing me one of her nail polishes. I grabbed it and started painting my nails to I mean why not. Maybe being with Jeannette wasn't that bad but what killed me is that she likes Benny and I think Benny likes her to god I just don't know how to tell her I mean I have a whole month to figure it out I'll think about that later.

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