Lifeguard (Chapter 19)

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So it's been 3 days since I haven't went to the sandlot. I don't think Jeannette knows about anything. I haven't even walked by the sandlot I have just been in my room either listening to music or reading , or helping out around the house. But I have been thinking and ima go to the pool to see if the lifeguard offer is still up.
So I got up from my bed put on some shorts and a black tank top , my high top converse and put in my hair in a high ponytail and went out.

{Bennys POV}

We were all at the sandlot Jeannette was in the bleachers just being her. Nothing at the sandlot feels the same without Mia. God why am I so stupid, I was just talking to Jeannette as a friend in a friendly way and I really like Mia I still do but I think there is something going on with her and yeah-yeah and I know how Mia is already she is to nice if a person to tell someone they lost feelings. But it's fine she didn't have to I got the message so I started going on dates with Jeannette not really cause I liked her personality or anything I mean she is pretty and all but she isn't Mia and she reminds me if Mia in a way. God I wish I wouldn't of said yes when she asked me out I want to be with Mia but I don't think she feels the same way. I wish I knew if she  felt the same.

"Hey Benny can we talk," yeah yeah said.

"Yea what's sup," Benny said

"I quit if Mia won't be on the team then I won't either  and cause I'm tired of you and Jeannette you chose a girl who you barely know over a friend who will and has always been there for you," yeah yeah said.

"Come in yeah- yeah you don't even know what happened between mía and I so just stay out of it," I said.

"You know what yeah yeah I may not know but I know how much you hurt her and how fucked up that was," yeah yeah said.

"Ok then fine fine fine if you want to leave," I said.

"So will I then," ham said.

"I will to," squints said.

"Benny i know you asked me to play but I would feel like I'm betraying Mia I'm going to leave to," smalls said.

"Come on guys,"I said.

"Sorry benny," smalls said as they left.

Great. First Mia now them god why did Jeannette have to come here in the first place!!

{Mia's POV}

I was passing by the sandlot to go to the pool and I ran into yeah yeah, squints, ham and smalls." Hi Mia," smalls said.

"Hi aren't you guys supposed to be playing by now," I asked.

"Yeah yeah about that," yeah yeah said getting interrupted.

"We quit," ham said.

"What!! Why," I asked.

"Since you left it hasn't been the same," squints said.

"Ok and I left cause I had my reasons but you guys shouldn't baseball is life for you guys," I said.

"Yeah but we would choose a friend over baseball," ham said.

" aww that's adorable," I said as we all hugged.

"Where are we're your going," smalls said.

" well I got a job offered at the pool as a life guard so I think I'm going to accept it, you guys wanna go with me?" I asked.

"Ok sure," smalls said as we started walking.

"Weren't we band from the pool," squints asked all of a sudden.

"Well you are for a whole year we had nothing to do with what you did squints," I said.

"Oh well I don't regret it," squints said cheerful.

{Time skip}

We got to the community pool I entered the little building they had next to the pool which was the register office. Once we walked in we saw Wendy at the counter.

"Oh hey Mia, glad you came for the job," Wendy said as then she glanced over to squints. "Your still banned squints," Wendy said.

"We saw each other on the way and they decided to walk me over here," I said.

"Omg she knows my name," squints loudly whispered to yeah yeah.

"Ok, Well before I tell you anything about your new job do you know how to swim,?" Wendy asked.

"Yea," I replied

"Dive in the water?"

"Yea, I was in the swim team back where I lived so I pretty much know how to do that," I said.

"Great, I would ask if you know how to do cpr but I'm sure you don't although I know your little friend won't need it," Wendy said referring to squints. I just giggled.

"But that doesn't matter you know how to do anything else we will just train you how to do cpr but other than that your god," Wendy said smiling.

"Great, um when do I start," I asked.

"Tomorrow at 12," Wendy said

"Ok great," I said  she then made me fill some forms and then I was done.

"Alright we'll that's all tomorrow you can start," Wendy said.

"Ok thanks Wendy I'll see you tomorrow," I said,

"Bye," squints waved bye at Wendy.

"Bye ," Wendy waved back as we walked out of the building.

"Wow we have a new LIFEGUARD," yeah yeah said as they all clapped and cheered.

" will you let us get in for free," ham said.

"We will see about that," I said as we all talked and laughed on our way home.

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