The pool(chapter 12)

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When we got to the sandlot it was so hot. Squints and yeah yeah then went to Vincent drug to go get a ball cause ham hit a home run yesterday so now we didn't have a ball to play with. We all had sodas to cool us down but they weren't working even when we were in the shade it was still hot even tho I was wearing some blue shorts and black tank top with a high ponytail. Suddenly yeah yeah and squints came back or should j say yeah yeah was dragging squints behind him.

"Let's go squints come on," yeah yeah said as Benny goes up to them.

"Where have you guys been we have been waiting for you guys forever already," Benny said taking a sip of his soda.

"Ah,squints was a pervin' a dish," yeah yeah said handing Benny the ball.

"Shut up I wasn't," squints shouts at yeah yeah.

"Yeah yeah, you we're! Your tongue was hanging out of your head and you was swoonin! Oh Wendy Preffercon my darling lover girl!," he laughs and imitates squints.

"I said shut up! I have a lot of things on my mind," squints said as he went to sit on the bench.

"This pop isn't working Benny! I'm baking like a toasted cheeser! It's so hot out here!" Ham yells as sweats drips from his face.

"It's 150 degrees out here let's just call it for the day we will come back tomorrow," I said as sweat drips from my face.

Everyone agrees, the next 30 minutes we were just complaint about how hot it was.

"Vote then who wants to be a can't hack it pantywaist, who... wears there mamas bra raise your hand," Benny said getting annoyed.

"That sounds pretty good," ham said as they raise their hands.

"I mean i have my own bras sooo," I said as I raised my hand to and the guys laughed.

"Fine fine like that so what are we gonna do," Benny said shrugging.

Yeah then looked at all of us with a funny face and laughing that's when we all caught on.

"THE POOL!!"we all shouted.

{Time skip}

As soon as we got to the pool the guys threw all their clothes and jumped right in the pool I just put my stuff down and took of my shirt and got in the pool which the nice cold water made me feel so refresh.

Although ham walked along the deck and stopped in front of some girls sun tanning and that's when I felt bad cause I knew the girls were about to get splashed and u was right they did.

We were all wrestling for a bit then yeah yeah and I started splashing each other I think he won cause the water kept getting in my eye.

"Oh man," Kenny breathes.

"Um are you guys ok?" I asked but of course they ignored me as they all went to look at Wendy.

"Yeah yeah to cruel," yeah yeah said,

"She don't know what she's doing," ham said.

"Yeah she does she knows exactly what she's doing," Benny pointed out and of course Benny was also looking at her.

"Of course she knows what she's doing or else she would of put lotion on before her shift," I said but how I said they ignored me.

"I've swum every summer of my adult life and there she is optioning oiling smiling smiling! Squints said as he takes his glasses of to clean them.Wendy looks over at you guys and smiles and she just winks at me-tf.

"I can't take it no more move!" Squints exclaimed and pushes me and Benny out if the way. Everyone just kept looking at her and how beautiful she was I mean they weren't wrong she is really pretty.

Squints mumbled the whole way"lotion" and "oiling" over and over agin until he got to the jumping board be looked over at Wendy and gave her a smile and waved which she smiled and waved back(cute).

"What's wrong with him," smalls asked.

"What is he doing," Kenny asked.

"He's trying to impress her guys just watch," I said as they finally heard.

"Three summers of this and be finally snapped," Kenny tell all of us.

"I don't know but that's the deep end and squints can't swim!!" Yeah yeah said as we all went over there to try and save him.

"NO!" We all shout as we try and run over to the deep end. Wendy noticed and stoop up took her sunglasses and whistle off and jumped in the water. We all walked towards the deck where Wendy was pulling squints of the water.

"I got him,get up Wendy," a lifeguard told wendy as she kneels next to squints.

"C'mon squints," I mumble hoping he won't die.

"Should I roll him over," a lifeguard says.

"Never mind, never mind," Wendy says as she gives squints mouth to mouth.

"C'mon squints," we all said hoping he won't drown although he could be annoying but I didn't want him to drown.

"Come on man come on," Benny said as he looked really worried.

"Yeah yeah he looks pretty crappy," yeah yeah said.

"He looks like a dead fish,"Bertram points out.

"Come on squints you can do it pull threw bud," smalls shouts.All of a sudden when Wendy checks for squints breath squints open his eyes which Leaves us all confused he then closed his eyes again when Wendy was going to give him mouth to mouth again. That's when he grabbed her head and pulled her into a kiss.

I was so in shock. " OMG Squints!".

Wendy pulls away and screams in his face " you little pervert!" She grabs his arm and stand him up and drags him the whole way to the door.

"Omg he's in deep shit," Timmy exclaims. Jelly yeah he was that's was the boldest thing he has ever done.

"Stay out!" She tells all the boys as they leave but then she stops me on my tracks.

"Hey he is banned except for you and the rest of the guys and if your looking for a job we need new lifeguards you look fit for the job," Wendy tells me.

"Thanks I'm Mia by the way," I said.

"Well I'll se you around Mia," Wendy said as she left all pissed I then went to grab all my stuff and catch up to the guy's.

"Why did you take so long," Benny asked.

"Wendy told me squints is banned we're not and I got offered a job as a lifeguard," I said.

"You gonna take it," Benny said.

"I don't know I think I will," I said.

"Ok now i really need to go to the pool everyday," yeah yeah said as the guys agreed.

Maybe I was wrong about Wendy if I got to know her better we may be good friends but I don't know I'll think about it.

{authors note}

This is the longest chapter I've written so far do you guys think Mia should take the job or no?

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