Carnaval(chapter 14)

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"Playyyyy ballll!" Ham calls from the umpires spot at the schools diamond. "Hurry up batter. It's gonna be a short game and I gotta be in time for lunch," ham said.

The batters were going to have a hard time with him as the umpire cause ham saw really good at distracting them of course all the guys knew from experience.

Ham Catches the first batters strike. " Ha ha! That's one!,"

"Y'know if I had a dog as ugly as you I'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards," ham said knowing he did a good job distracting him.

"The heater, here it comes, I dare you !!" Ham said pointing as he makes his observations.
Then it was Phillips turn to bat. "Hey is that your sister in the left feel naked?" Ham said as Phillips missed.

"Shut up porter!!" Phillips shouted.

"Hey hey I'm just trying to hav ea friendly conversation , you think she will go out with me," ham said as Phillips missed again

It's now our teams turn to bat ham was up first. He hit it in his first try Then Bertram, then kenny, squints, smalls, yeah yeah, Timmy, Tommy and me.

We all slid into home just barely beating the person who was trying to tag us." Oops to late," I said with a smirk as I got up to dust if my jeans.

Then it was Bennys turn to bat we were all cheering although for him. He hit the ball then the ball went flying hitting a home run he then ran all the bases until he stopped at home. We then all cheered and celebrated knowing we beat the hell out of those jerks and if hey wanted to we were willing to do it again.

{Time skip}

That night we all decided to go to the carnival to celebrate our win.

"Hey hey hey guys it's all in me tonight," Benny said as he payed for the tickets he then gave everyone their tickets he then lastly gave me mine.

"Yknow I could've payed for myself," I said taking the ticket.

"I know but what kind of guy would I be to let a girl pay," Benny said.

"I guess you have a point," I said. We then went to go ride the trabant when we were going up the steps Bertram then stops us.

"Oh my god I forgot," Bertram said.

"What happen Bertram,"I said.

He then pulls out a bag of tobacco out of his pocket and shows everyone. "Chaw! I've been saving it for a good time!" Bertram said.

"What is that," smalls asked clueless. I felt really bad for smalls every time he was with us he looses a piece of his innocence but while he looses his innocence I loose my patients.

"Big chief!, the best!" Bertram said smelling it for a while.

"Sheesh smalls I bet you don't even know who the babe is," ham said as everyone except for smalls Benny and I laugh.

"It's plug, wad chewing tobacco!" Ham said.

"What do you do with it?" Smalls asked so confused.

"Your killing me Smalls you chew it of course," ham said as he puts a lot of tobacco in his mouth.

"You do?" Smalls asked.

"Yes!!" Bertram said as he began to pass it around after all the guys took some the bag came to me.

"Umm i don't know guys I don't think I should take some," I said.

"Oh come on Mia we all took some," ham said.

"Yea weren't you one of us," Kenny said.

"I rather not feel like shit," I said.

"Oh come on Mia," squints said.

I just took a really tiny piece and put it in my mouth as I roll my eyes at the taste of the tobacco.

I walked around for awhile trying to find a spot I sat behind Benny. When the ride started we all cheered but then all he boys faces started turning pale.Benny then turned around at me pointing at all the guys who had taken tobacco.

Then ham threw up at a girl messing up her shoes then the other guys did to it was honestly super gross. Benny and Looked at me with a shocked expression on his face then the ride stopped and we all decided to go home cause the guys weren't feeling well.

"So how do you guy feel," I asked sarcastically

"Like shit Mia," they replied weekly as Benny and I giggle.

Benny and I made sure they got home safe we dropped them off. To the point we're it was only Benny and I.

"That was crazy," Benny said

"I know I'm really glad I just took a really tiny piece," I said we were getting closer to my house.

"Same I'm glad I didn't take any," Benny said stopping a couple feet in front of my house.

"Yea," I replied

"You know if I did take any I wouldn't be able to do this," Benny said as he pulled me into a kiss. The kiss lasted for a while when we both pulled away we smiled at each other.

" bye Mia I'll see you tomorrow," Benny said with a really big smile.

"Bye Benny I'll see you tomorrow to," I said as we both turned around to go to our houses. When I entered my house I couldn't stop smiling and I think Benny couldn't either. Can't wait to see him again Tomorrow.

{authors note}

Guys so I started school three days ago I am going to keep posting parts of the story and I hopefully later in make more stories, so if I ever take a while to post a new parto of a story just know it's because of school but I will try to be active on this story. But yeah that's it have a good day guys bye<3

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