Best friends(chapter 9)

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I went in my house and said hi to my mom
"Hi mom ya llegue,(I'm home)" I said.

"Good just in time," My mom said coming towards me.

"Why Que paso,(what happen)"I said as I grabbed a cookie that was on the table.

"Te acuerdas de Jeannette,(do you remember)" my mom said.

"Mhm why," I said.

" Her mom called she is gonna going to be staying with us for a month,"my mom said.

"A month!, why is she even staying here anyway," I asked.

"Her parents are going in a trip and she wanted to see you so show her around once she gets here," my mom said.

"Yea no," I said.

"Come on she needs to know people,"my mom said.

"Mom you know what happen last time,"I said.

"You need to give people a chance,"my mom said.

"Ok but I'm not bringing her to the sandlot,"I said as I started going up to my room.

"Yes you are,"my mom said as I went upstairs to my room. I went up stairs to my room and closed my door and laid down in my bed and then I couldn't stop thinking OMG Jeannette is going to live with me for 1 month I can't believe it hopefully she had changed I hope she has or maybe she is going to do the same thing she always does what if she ruins my chance of finally getting a friend grupo that wont leave me for something stupid. I decides to calm down for a while and listen to music so i got up turned on my record player and put on a richie valens disc and We Belong together started playing. After a couple of seconds i heard a knock on my window so i Went to open the window and when i did i Saw Benny.

"You couldve knocked on the door," I said as he stepped in my room.

"I like this song," benny Said smiling.

"Good to know, don't talk so loud my mom is gonna know I have a boy in my room,"I said.

"Don't worry I won't,"Benny said.

"So um why are you here," I asked.

"I need to talk to you about something,"Benny said.

"Ok go on," I replied

"I didn't mean what I said that you aren't my type,"he said.

"Look Benny we're not dating or anything like that we're just friends there's no need to apolog-," I said as I got cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine that's when I realized IM KISSING BENNY!!!. The kiss continued for a while until we both pulled away for some air.

"Um so you shut me up with a kiss," I said.

"Yea and it worked,"he said as he put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Look Mia I like you I said that cause I didn't want to make it obvious that I did," he said.

"I like you to Benny and don't worry you didn't make it obvious,"I said smiling.

"So what now?" He said.

"I don't know," I said.

"So um I wish I could ask you to be my girlfriend but Um we've only known each other for a couple of weeks so what if we get to know each other better before we date," Benny said as he put his hand in the back of his neck rubbing it nervously.

"Yea I think we should at least I know you like me," I said.

"Yea well I think I should go before your parents see us," he said.

"Ok well I'll see you tomorrow bye Benny ," I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Bye Mia see you tomorrow," he said blushing
As he left from my window.Then I went to close my window I was happy but worried at the same time cause what if when Jeannette comes she ruins it but you know what I'm to happy to care about her.

{authors note}
Sorry it took me forever I was really busy these days and my brain wasn't working but now I came up with chapter 9.

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