Doctor Who - The Doctor's Sister - Chapter 2

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Jackie, Mickey, and Rose were preparing Christmas dinner when the unmistakable sound of the TARDIS engines filled the flat. Instantly, everyone was at the balcony, looking towards where the TARDIS was parked. They couldn't see it from there.

The Doctor looked over at Rose, and without a word spoken, they ran together out of the flat and back towards the street. Jackie and Mickey followed right at their heels. They got there just as the TARDIS faded from view.

The Doctor could only stare. They stood in silence for several seconds until the Doctor spoke. "That's impossible," he said, still staring at where the TARDIS had been. "That's impossible."

"Doctor, who could have done that?" Rose asked.

"Did someone just steal the TARDIS?" Mickey asked, stepping up beside them.

"No, definitely not," the Doctor said. "They're just... borrowing it. Borrowing it... without asking."

"How can someone even get in?" Rose asked. "Don't they have to have a key?"

"They do," the Doctor told her. "It's impossible to get in without it, unless one of us left it unlocked and open."

"Which we didn't, right?" Rose commented. "Even if we did, how on earth would they be able to fly it? We're the only ones who know how!"

As he stared in the empty space in front of him, a million thoughts raced through his head. Unconsciously, he ran a hand through his hair. It was impossible. Completely and utterly impossible. No one should've been able to fly the TARDIS. He was the only one left. No one survived the War. No one.

Especially not her. She'd died before it even started. She couldn't be alive. She couldn't be. It was impossible. But she was the only one who never needed a key. He and Rose still had theirs. But she died. She'd died in his arms. She was never able to regenerate. She was dead, yet he couldn't get the thought out of his head.

"Right, Doctor?" Rose asked. The way she asked it, it sounded like she'd been trying to get a response for a little while.

"What?" he asked.

"Have you even been listening?"

"I have!" he protested. He had to pause and try to remember what she had asked. "We're the only ones, you were right."

Ever since Rose made the comment about the key, he could not stop thinking about her. She hadn't needed a key. She couldn't be alive, but then why could he not get her out of his mind?

"That woman we passed earlier," Mickey remarked. "When we went back to the flat... She was gone, wasn't she?"

"Yeah, she was dead," Rose said.

Mickey shook his head. "No, her body wasn't there. Just now. We went by her. That's what I meant. Her body was gone."

All four looked at each other, then ran back to where the woman had been lying. Mickey wasn't wrong: she was gone. The Doctor had been so distracted by the missing TARDIS, he didn't even notice the missing body.

"That girl..." Jackie said. She looked at Mickey and Rose. "Up on the roof. The girl... She was pulling at her arm."

"Her name was Rebecca," Rose said, looking at the dark spot on the pavement. Rebecca's blood was still there, but her body was gone. "The woman."

"That poor girl," Mickey said.

"What girl?" the Doctor asked.

"The girl on the roof," Jackie said. She looked over at Rose. "What was her name?"

"Nina," Rose said. "The girl's name was Nina."

Nina... This mysterious girl was named Nina. The others were talking among themselves, about this mysterious girl, and the Doctor let his eyes drift towards the London sky. Was she really back? After all of these years, was she really back?

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