Star Wars - The Hyde - Chapter 1

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I own my character, and everyone on her planet (Hydros). Kora-Sim and her master. I guess this is my other longer story.

I sat with Obi-Wan towards the back of the cockpit. Qui-Gon was closer to the front.

"Captain," he said.

The captain turned around to face us. "Yes, sir?"

"Tell them we wish to board at once."

The captain relayed his message. I looked out the window at the black ship. Something felt... off. I looked over at Qui-Gon, but he was watching our distance. I didn't know if he felt what I did, but it was such a small notion, I doubted it. Should I say something?, I wondered. Although Qui-Gon often listened to me, this was important. I didn't want to ruin everything, so I kept my mouth shut.

I followed Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan off the ship. They kept their hoods up, and I followed suit. Mostly because I had no idea what anyone -- even droids -- would make of a girl my age on such an important task. We went to the door, where a silver protocol droid stood by.

"I'm TC-14 at your service. This way, please," it said.

We followed it down the hallway and into a conference room.

"We are greatly honored by your visit, Ambassadors. Make yourselves comfortable. My master will be with you shortly." The droid bowed, turned, and left, the doors closing behind it. Finally, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan lowered their hoods. I did the same. I looked out the window, which faced the beautiful green planet of Naboo.

"You were awfully quiet on the journey," Obi-Wan commented.

I turned; he was standing between me and Qui-Gon, looking at me. Obi-Wan Kenobi was the youngest of us three, at twenty-five. He had short, spiky brown hair, the longest bit of his hair tied in the long padawan braid. His skin was pale, and his eyes were blue.

"So?" I said, not really wanting to talk about it.

"Around us, anymore, you're hardly ever quiet. Feeling something?"

I shook my head. "Just..." I looked back at the planet. "Remembering."

"You felt something, didn't you?" Obi-Wan pressed on.

"Why're you pushing it?" I asked, turning back to him.

"No reason," he said.

"What're you getting at, Obi-Wan?" I asked.

He looked at Qui-Gon, not directly answering me. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"I don't sense anything," the master responded. Qui-Gon was forty years old, and had long brown hair held partially up by a ponytail. He was tall and striking, with blue eyes.

"It's not about the mission, Master, it's something... elsewhere... elusive."

"Don't center on your anxieties, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs."

"But Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future..."

"... but not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the living Force, my young Padawan."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan said. I looked more at the reflections than the planet. Sometimes, I could see my mother, smiling... I knew she was never there, but I liked the idea that maybe she was there. That she escaped.

Obi-Wan was talking again. "How do you think the trade viceroy will deal with the chancellor's demands?"

"These Federation types are cowards. The negotiations will be short."

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