Riverdale - Chapter 2

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This story is incomplete due to a lack of scripts

Our story is about a town. A small town. And the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the world. Safe. Decent. Innocent. Get closer though and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is Riverdale.

And our story begins, I guess, with what the Blossom twins did this summer... On the fourth of July, just after dawn, Jason and Cheryl Blossom drove out to Sweetwater River for an early morning boat-ride. The next thing we know happened for sure is that Dilton Doiley, who was leading Riverdale's Boy Scout Troop on a bird-watching expedition, came upon Cheryl by the river's edge.

Riverdale Police dragged Sweetwater river for Jason's body, but never found it. So a week later, the Blossom family buried an empty casket, and Jason's death was ruled an accident. As the story that Cheryl told made the rounds. That Cheryl dropped a glove in the water, and Jason reached down to get it, and accidentally tipped the boat, and panicked, and drowned. As for us, we were still talking about the July 4th tragedy on the last day of summer vacation. When a new mystery rolled into town.

Jug looked at me. "It's good," I told him, sliding the laptop back across the table.

"Thanks, Raven."

He went back to typing, adding more to the story he was telling. I checked my watch. "Ah, man! I've gotta head home. Mom's making dinner, and if I'm late again..."

"It's alright. I'll show you what I have tomorrow?"

I nodded. "After school. I want to have something to look forward to."

"You'll be fine, Raven. Just stick with Archie, Betty, and I."

"Thanks, Jug," I said, then left the little diner, heading for home.


I came in the house and called out, telling the others that I was home. Rachel greeted me first, practically running down the stairs. "Good, you're here. How'd it go?"

"Pretty good. We helped each other out a lot."

"Well, that's good. Right?"

"Yeah, it is. It was a very productive evening."

Rachel smiled. "Mom was just getting ready to set the table. Come on!"

We sat at the table, and moments later, Mom set a steaming dish of lasagna on the table. She brought out serving stuff, and when she sat down, she announced, "Dig in!"

Rachel and I didn't need to be told twice. We dug into the food. We had some mild conversation between bites. I ended dinner with two helpings of lasagna, as well as three scoops of ice cream when Mom brought out desert. I laid on my bed, both excited and not excited for the morning to come.


Of course, it came eventually. My alarm clock woke me up, and within minutes, I was dressed. I got a bowl from the cupboard and a box of cereal from the shelf. I had just started to pour milk when Rachel shuffled down the stairs.

"Morning," I said to her.

She looked up from the ground, wiping the sleep from her eyes. "How are you so awake?"

I shrugged, setting the milk down. "I guess I'm excited. Here I thought I would have to make friends on my first day. Looks like I already have them."

"While I have nobody!"

"But it's always been easier for you to make friends, Rachel. You know me. I'm horrible at talking to new people."

"You did fine with Betty."

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