The Flash - Copy Cat Chapter 1

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All characters save for Ashley (and her family), Maria, and Johnathan belong to the CW and the creators of The Flash series.

Ashley took her job seriously. Sometimes, too seriously. Today, nothing was gonna go wrong. If she did this right, she'd be able to meet her best friend and the two of them would be able to watch a demonstration of the most incredible thing to ever happen to mankind. Tonight, at STAR Labs, Doctor Harrison Wells would be showing off his particle accelerator, something that would have an incredible impact on the future of all of humankind.

Honestly speaking, Ashley didn't understand an awful lot of it, but her best friend would not shut up about the amazingness that was the particle accelerator. All Ashley had to do was finish out today, and she'd be in the clear. After being dismissed to get lunch by her boss (on the expectation that she brought him Jitters coffee), Ashley popped in to ask some of the security guards if they'd like some. After writing down their orders, Ashley left the prison she worked at and drove into downtown Central City.

After driving around the block a few times, trying to find a parking space, Ashley entered the coffee shop and stepped in line.

"Ashley, hey!"

Ashley turned at the sound of her name. It was Iris, a girl who lived across the street from Maria, Ashley's best friend.

"Hey, Iris," Ashley said with a slightly awkward wave.

"What brings you 'round these parts?"

"Jitters run," Ashley said with a shrug. "Got several coffees, and a few others' lunches to get."

"Since when do you get lunches for..."

"Since I want Mr. Wolfe to let me see the accelerator tonight and not keep me locked up-" Ashley paused on her sentence, realizing those were not the right words to use "-bad wording -- doing some other odd job for him."

"Well, we're not too busy today, what'cha need?"

Ashley handed Iris her list, and Iris took it back to the kitchen while Ashley went and sat down. Sometimes, being friends of a friend of a server paid off. Iris brought over Ashley's normal coffee, saying that they were waiting for the other stuff before joining Ashley at the booth.

"How's Maria?" Iris asked.

"Should've seen that question coming a mile away," Ashley said with a chuckle. "I mean, other than beyond excited, she's... you know. Her normal geeky, nerdy self. Keeps going on and on and on about the reasons why this thing is so importantly incredible and incredibly important to our future."

"I get that. I mean, Barry's been talking about this thing non-stop. Am I gonna see you guys tonight?"


Someone called Iris's name, and she left. She brought Ashley a bag, and Ashley left, heading back to work. After dropping off everyone's orders, Ashley retreated to her little section of office space, in a room just off of Wolfe's. After a moment, her boss walked in, after knocking lightly on her door.

"I hear you've got something you want to do tonight, Blake?" Wolfe said.

Ashley turned around. "Yes, sir. Please, may I go, sir? I'm not gonna get another chance to see this."

"Since you asked so nicely, I'll give this. I've got a business meeting tomorrow. Once you get everything I need copied, you'll be free to go to your... thing tonight."

"Thank you, sir!" Ashley said. She was just about to ask what she was supposed to copy, but she noticed a small stack of papers on her desk, a sticky note on top of it. She picked up the stack and made her way to the copy room, bringing her phone with her.

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