Person of Interest - Borderline - Chapter 1

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"Josie, hey," Madeline said, walking into the kitchen of the apartment the two of us shared. "Early morning?"

"Got an internship," I said, sitting at the stool by the counter. I'd already set a plate with eggs down in front of me. "And I'm getting dropped in the middle of a manhunt. Here." I pointed the remote at the TV and flipped to the news. It was showing security footage of a homeless man defending himself surprisingly well against a group of thugs who started attacking him. "We're looking for the homeless guy."

"You know who you're learning under?"

"Joss Carter. She's a detective."

Maddie nodded. "You should probably get going."

"Yeah," I said, taking the last bite of egg. "Just wanted you to know what's happening. I'll probably take the car, unless you need it to get to campus?"

"I can bike. It's nice enough, and you never know when that'll change."

I nodded. "Alright. I'll be home, Maddie. At least I'll try."

"Let me know how Detective Carter is, okay?"

The two of us shared a hug, and then I went to the front door and grabbed the keys to the car Maddie and I shared. I called the number on the card Detective Carter had given me.


"Hey, Detective Carter. It's me, Josie. I'm supposed to start interning with you? I'm on my way to the Precinct now."

"Hey, Josie. You missed all the excitement last night. I'll go over it with you when you get here."



I got there and was instantly greeted by Detective Carter. She told me what she knew about our mysterious friend so far: He was probably special forces at some point, judging by his fighting skills, and his fingerprints matched ones in dozens of unsolved cases, which was a shock. And unusual.

"You ready for your first case?" Detective Carter asked. "The desk across from mine is unclaimed for now. You can use it if you want. But you'll probably have to vacate when I get a proper partner."

I nodded. "I get it."

"Our guy's got open warrants in four different countries."

"And this is my first case?" I said to Carter as I sat down across from her.

"Well, you wanted to get right into it. This is about as into it as it gets."

"Yeah, I guess. Where is he now?"

"He lawyered up, or something, and now he's vanished. No idea where he's gone."

"Well, that's wonderful," I said, letting a sarcastic tone creep into my voice.

"Tell me about it. Look, why don't I show you around the precinct? Get you familiar with the lay of the land?"

"Buy time in case something comes up," I offered.

Carter nodded. "You're catching on, aren't you? Come on."

I followed Carter around as she took me around the precinct, as well as introducing me to several other detectives and officers in the building. When the tour ended, and there still hadn't been much else, Carter said I could go on home. She'd call me if something came up.

I went home. Maddie wasn't at the apartment, so I figured she was still in class. We always ate at a little cafe for lunch, so I figured I could meet her there. I went up and ordered some food, and I talked with the one cashier who always seemed to be there whenever Maddie and I were there.

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