Numb3rs/White Collar - Smart Alec - Chapter 1

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As warned, there is one cross over in the collection, but I actually liked this one. Other than Alex Potter and her parents (and Billy) I own none of the characters. They belong to the creators of Numb3rs and White Collar respectively.

Alex was home. For the first time in over 20 years, she was staring at her home. It was the exact same as she had left it. At least, the outside was. Sure, the lawn had far more plants than she remembered, but the large twisted trees were there, growing strong.

She walked up to the door and opened it, bracing for a wave of disappointment as the house would be different from the way she left it.

A different wave passed over her: A wave of nostalgia. It was the exact same. Alex set her bags on the kitchen island, then wandered through the house. She sat on the couch, and suddenly she heard her mother's voice.

Alex, come on! Stop watching TV, you're going to be late for school!

Alex smiled, but she pushed the memory away. A loud knock came from the door. Alex walked over to answer it.

A man who seemed to be about her age was there.

"Hi," he said. "I'm Charlie. I live next door."

"Charlie... Eppes?" Alex asked.

"You read my book?"

"No, it's me- Alex. I used to live here?"

"Alex!" He said, embracing her. "It's been too long." He smiled as he pulled away. Alex stepped aside, and he continued to talk.

"How was New York?"

"It was alright. For a while."

"What happened?" He asked, sitting at the table.

"Alec happened," Alex said. "How've you been?"

"A lot's happened since you left." Charlie held up his left hand. A ring clung to his ring finger.

"You got married?!" Alex said in delight.

"Yep," he said, smiling. "Amita and I just got back from teaching a year at Cambridge. Dad's moved into the garage, and Don's... he lives in his apartment, but he's over almost all the time when he's not working."

"Amita's the lucky girl?" Alex asked. "And, your dad's living in his own garage?"

"Actually, it's mine but we were thinking of converting it to a guesthouse for him. If he wanted to."

"Well, that's nice of you. Could I come over and visit? I'd love to see Don or Mr. Eppes again. Oh, and meet Amita."

"I don't think she'd mind, Alex. Besides, it's best seeing as we're going to be neighbors again." Charlie started leading them to his house. "Don's not home at the moment, but you could always say hi when he comes back."

The two of them walked next door to the Eppes house. Charlie opened the door for Alex, and she was welcomed in. Alex immediately recognized Alan Eppes. At the table sat a girl she didn't recognize. She looked Indian in heritage.

"Amita, meet Alex... Potter. She's our new neighbor."

"Hi," Alex said. She looked at Alan, "Hi, Mr. Eppes."

"Alex? But he said Potter."

"It's officially Potter anymore. But yeah, I'm the Alex who used to be next door."

"How would you like to stay for dinner, Alex?" Charlie asked. "We've got a lot more catching up to do."

"Yeah. What's Don been doing?"

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