Numb3rs/White Collar - Smart Alec - Chapter 2

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Incomplete because I forgot where I was going.


Neal walked into the office. He felt out of place there. His mind wandered back to Kate. Where was she? Was she okay? Was she hurt?

"Neal." Burke's voice shook him from his thoughts. He looked up at Burke, who pointed two fingers at him then called him over. Neal climbed the stairs to the conference room round where everyone was.

"What's going on, Peter?" Neal asked.

"We got a call from the FBI in LA. Apparently, one of their cases relates to one of ours. An old cold-case."

"Why do you need me?"

"It went cold," Diana stood up, "because no one really knew what happened, and we didn't have anyone who could get behind the man killed. His name was Frank Potter. Know him?"

"How could I not?" Neal said, feigning shock. "Frank was one of the most well-known guys around. At least, on my side of the tracks. When he passed, well... Frank may have been well-known, but that doesn't necessarily mean well-liked. He had a lot of enemies."

"I know. We were called in after his wife was killed. We took over LA's case, once again... it went cold, no matter how much their daughter pushed."

"They had a daughter?" Neal said, completely surprised.


Alex never expected to see Agent Burke again. They had parted ways when her mom's case was done in New York. However, when she rode to the Bureau with Don in the morning, he was there. Waiting. A young man, probably in his late twenties', stood next to him. He seemed nervous, or anxious. Maybe both. Maybe neither.

"I never thought we'd meet again, Agent Burke," Alex said.

"I never expected another murder in this case, yet here we are."

"Who's this?" she asked, nodding towards the man. "I don't remember him being around."

"His name is Neal Caffery. He's... He's on release to me."

"What does that mean?"

"I help him, he keeps me out of prison," Caffery said. Peter cast him a look.

"Whatever," Alex said. "He's gonna help with the case?"

"He will, Ms. Potter. He will."

The look on Caffrey's face was so priceless when Burke said her name, it was so hard for her not to burst into laughter.

"Don Eppes," Don said, extending his hand. "I'm the case agent for the Jake Dunnham case."

"Peter Burke." The two agents shook their hands. "I was in charge of the Donna Dunnham case."

"I've heard," Don said, looking at Alex. "I also heard it went cold?"

"Just like the Frank Potter case," Alex jumped in. All three of them looked at her. "I did my research."

"I know you did," Burke said. "I just didn't realize how far back." He looked at Don. "Eppes, I got the files from the office before we got here. We are going to be working with you on this case." Burke was very pointed with the 'we.' Alex figured he wanted Caffery to know he would be listening to Don as well as Burke. "Most of my team is still in New York, but they're only a phone call away. If we need anything, they'll get it for us."

"Thank you for your cooperation, Agent Burke," Don said.

"Peter, please."

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