Doctor Who - The Doctor's Sister - Chapter 4

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This chapter is incomplete because I don't know how to continue it. And by incomplete, I mean very incomplete

Nina sat in a room just off to the side of the TARDIS, still trying to understand and make sense of what was happening to her.

You're not human, are you? Cassandra had asked her. She wasn't human, and she knew that. She was a Time Lord. She was the Doctor's sister. There was more to her, and she knew it, but what it was... Pieces came and went. Sometimes a thought would linger, other times it'd vanish as soon as she thought it. It was dizzying, trying to figure out what the thought she'd just lost was.

I could've sworn I was seeing all of time.

What did that even mean? Her mind was spinning. Rose and the Doctor were talking and dancing around the center console, but she wasn't really paying attention. She caught him mentioning a concert and a location and date, but she didn't pay much attention. She was trying to figure out Cassandra's words.

"Hey, you've been quiet," Rose's voice said, cutting through whatever the two of them had been discussing. "Are you alright?"

"Just... thinking," Nina said.

"About?" the Doctor asked, looking over at her.

"What Cassandra told me." she looked up at the Doctor. "Did you catch any of what she told me when we were all entering the TARDIS? After she took over Chip?"

"When she mentioned seeing all of time while she was in your head? Yeah, I did. When did that even happen?"

"In the cells," Nina said. "She knocked you out with that... perfume, but it didn't work on me -- I don't know why -- so she jumped from Rose to me, used the perfume stuff on a dazed Rose, locked you up, then went back to Rose. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but it was almost like she couldn't wait to leave me. It wasn't until later, when she said it was almost like she was suffocating in my head, that her reaction clicked."

"Chip said that you'd protected him," the Doctor said.

"Yeah, he did, and I don't know what he meant."

"You don't?" the Doctor asked. "Seems like something you'd know."

"I don't, okay?" Nina said. "I still remember practically nothing of the time before I showed up in London. I'm remembering more bits of my life before I... well, I suppose I died, but between then and now? It feels like a blink."

The Doctor looked at her. "It most certainly was a lot longer than a blink."

Nina looked away from the Doctor at that. Yes, she thought to herself. It most certainly was a lot longer than a blink. 

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