Doctor Who - The Doctor's Sister - Chapter 3

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Nina leaned against the supports of the TARDIS while the Doctor operated the controls. He pulled a lever and the rotors began to rise and fall. Nina smiled a little at Rose's bounce in her step as she entered the TARDIS after saying goodbye to her family. She shut the door behind her and shrugged a rucksack from her shoulder. She and the Doctor shared a beam with each other, their energy creeping in to Nina, whose own smile began to grow.

Nina continued to lean against a support as the Doctor and Rose were both operating the controls.

"So, where are we going?" Rose asked.

"Further than we've ever gone before," he said with a grin.

Rose grinned back.


Rose and the Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS with Nina just behind them.

She looked around at where they landed; a windy stretch of grass overlooking a rather magnificent city. Rose's mouth dropped open.

"It's the year five billion and twenty three..." The Doctor started, "we're in the galaxy M87, and this... this is New Earth."

Nina's eyes wandered around the futuristic city below them, with flying vehicles zooming to and fro.

"That's just... that's..." Rose burst out laughing in wonder.

"Not bad. Not bad at all!" He looked over at Nina. "What'cha think?"

"It's... It's not Earth," Nina said. She looked at the city, unable to shake the feeling that she'd been there before... and that something terrible was about to happen, if not already.

"I'll never get used to this. Never." Rose looked at Nina. "Look around! Different ground beneath my feet!" She jumped up and down excitedly. "Different sky...! What's that smell?"

The Doctor bent down and pulled some grass up. He showed it to her. "Apple grass."

"Apple grass...!"

"Yeah, yeah!"

"That's beautiful!" She gazed up at the Doctor with a wide smile. "Oh, I love this. Can I just say..." She linked her arm through his. "... travelling with you... I love it."

"Me too," the Doctor said. Rose laughed and the Doctor grinned. "Come on!" He grabbed her hand and they dashed off.

In their excited rush, they'd forgotten Nina as she moved slowly towards the city. She couldn't put a finger on the danger, but she knew that something was coming. With the thought that they had no idea what they were rushing into, Nina picked up her pace and ran after the lovebirds, hoping she could have a chance to protect her friends.

They paused for a moment, lying sprawled on the grass. Nina stopped, slightly behind them, simply listening.

A metal spider scurried closer to where the Doctor and Rose lay sprawled on the grass, the two of them lying on the Doctor's coat.

"So, the year five billion... the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted."

"That was our first date."

The Doctor leaned back to look at Rose. "We had chips!" They giggled. "So anyway, planet gone, all rocks and dust, but the human race lives on, spread out across the stars. Soon as the Earth burns up... oh, yeah, they get all nostalgic... big revival movement... but find this place!"

He sat up for a better look at the view. "Same size as the Earth... same air... same orbit... lovely! Call goes out, the humans move in!"

"What's the city called?"

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