Person of Interest - Borderline - Chapter 2

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This story is incomplete due to a lack of scripts

In the coming few days, Carter and I kept getting the tail end of 'Man in the Suit' situations. We put together whatever we had, and I'd taken to putting up a 'thought board' in the back of my closet. Maddie had some questions, but once I told her that we had nothing to go on, and this was my way of organizing my thoughts, she said it was completely fine.

The only security picture I had was one from the subway, and I was sure he'd change his appearance, so I asked Anton if he could help me with a sketch. I'd brought Elizabeth -- she was all over helping us find this guy, and she asked about putting up a sketch in the cafe -- and Anton helped me. I used the argument I'd given Carter: Anton wanted to find the guy who humiliated and embarrassed him in such a spectacle. I told Elizabeth I'd have to ask Carter about putting the sketch, but in truth I wasn't sure if a sketch in such a public place was a good idea.

I went to Azarello and asked him if the guy in the sketch was the guy he saw at the apartment building. Azarello confirmed the sketch, and I left the prison. Carter was waiting outside.

"Why are we keeping this sketch secret again? We know it's him now," Carter said as I got in the car. She'd been driving me around.

"You and me are the two behind this case. What if he has someone on the inside, who sees that we have a sketch?"

"You brought that cafe girl in as a sketch artist."

"She's a good artist." Carter wasn't convinced. "Look, Carter. There's got to be more of those corrupt cops. If we find a sketch artist, who's to say they don't work for the ring? Seeing as our friend here attacked some of them, what if the cops go after him? Yeah, I want him brought to justice, but killing him is not the same thing."

"You make a good argument. We'll keep this hidden for now, but what happens if he comes up big time again?"

"And we say we have a sketch? They're gonna ask who did it. It wasn't any official sketch artist."

"You've only been on this force a few days, and you're already breaking the rules."


"You'd make a good detective, Riley," Carter said. "But I can't cover for you all the time, okay? You can't do this again."

"I won't. I just needed this sketch."

Carter sighed hard. "Where am I taking you?"

"It's Maddie's birthday today. Drop me off at my apartment. Please," I added.

Carter smiled a little when I added 'Please', and she drove away from the prison.


John walked into the library. Finch had the picture of a young brunette taped to the cracked glass whiteboard. "Who's she?"

"Josephine Riley. Our new number," Finch responded. "She's a sophomore in college, majoring in criminal justice. Recently started an internship at the 8th Precinct instead of her class. Her mentor is Detective Carter."

"Anything else?"

"Her school records go all the way to kindergarten, but there's no official record before that. Not even a birth certificate."

"That's odd."

"Maybe you can try and find out more about who she is."


I first noticed him when I started walking away from my apartment. I didn't think anything of the businessman drinking coffee, as there was a tiny coffee shop just up the street. I'd often see people sitting on the park benches outside the building, and their outfits varied. Sometimes they wore casual attire, sometimes they were more businessy. Sometimes they'd leave when I was past, because their coffee was done. Sometimes they left before I got there. So when he got up when I was about ten steps away from the bench, I didn't pay attention. The only thing I took notice of was the hat low over his head.

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