Star Wars - The Hyde - Chapter 2

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Incomplete due to lack of scripts

The captain cracked open a side door to the central hanger. Qui-Gon looked in over his shoulder. The rest of us were behind him. We could see several Naboo spacecraft guarded by about fifty battle droids. Alarms could be heard in the distance.

"There are too many of them," the captain said.

"That won't be a problem." Qui-Gon looked at Queen Amidala. "Your Highness, under the circumstances, I suggest you come to Coruscant with us."

"Thank you, Ambassador, but my place is here with my people."

"They will kill you if you stay."

"They wouldn't dare," shot back one of the group.

"They need her to sign a treaty to make this invasion of theirs legal. They can't afford to kill her," the captain said.

I shook my head. "There is something else behind all this, Your Highness. Something or someone. There is no logic in the Federation's move here. They will destroy you."

"Our only hope is for the Senate to side with us ... Senator Palpatine will need your help."

"Either choice presents great danger," the Queen turned to two of her maidens, "to us all."

"We are brave, Your Highness," assured the one.

"If you are to leave, Your Highness, it must be now," Qui-Gon told her.

"Then, I will plead our case to the Senate." As some of them prepared to leave, the Queen turned to the one person. "Be careful, Governor."

I pushed open the hangar door. Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Jar-Jar, the captain, two guards, three handmaidens, and myself, all followed by Queen Amidala, headed for a sleek chrome spacecraft. Three of her people stayed behind.

"We need to free those pilots," the captain said, pointing to twenty guards, ground crew, and pilots held in a corner by six battle droids.

"I'll deal with that," I said.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon nodded, while the others looked slightly shocked. I went towards the group of captured pilots, while the others headed towards the spacecraft. I pulled my hood up, so that the shadow covered my face.

The one guard noticed me.

"Release them," I said.

"Who are you?" the droid asked.

I didn't answer. I pulled the guard out of its place and threw it against the far wall. The other five pulled out their guns, but the weapons were out of their hands before they could fire. I shot the droids with the first one's gun, and hollered at the pilots to run.

I joined Qui-Gon, fighting off droids as the others rushed on board the spacecraft. Everyone I freed ran onboard, while others ran back towards the governor. Once the hangar was empty save for defeated droids, Qui-Gon and I jumped onto the ship, and we flew out of the hangar.

I sat with Qui-Gon and the captain in the cockpit. Obi-Wan was trying to lead Jar-Jar somewhere where he wouldn't cause trouble. I watched the window as we approached the Federation ships.

"There's the blockade," the pilot pointed out. Obi-Wan entered the cockpit as the blockade battleships fired upon us. Alarm sounds filled the cockpit. "The shield generator's been hit."

I closed my eyes, pushing my gaze to the droids. It was hard, and I was barely cognizant of what was happening around me. I wouldn't be able to keep it up. The Federation ships blasted away one r-2 unit after another. "We're loosing droids... fast," I said, forcing my concentration to stay on the droids.

Misc. StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora