Happily Ever After

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I awoke to the smell of breakfast. Lucifer next to me still sleeping, his body slightly raising and falling, indicating he was still asleep. I quietly got out of bed. When I got to the kitchen I saw Vanth cooking scrambled eggs, bacon in the over to be kept warm. She was tall, her indigo hair reaching her hips. I still couldn't believe she was 18. None of us looked like we aged much but her. 

"Hi Mom! Breakfast is almost done, you should wake Dad up!" she was excited. We were leaving this home permanently. 

Emilia and Mao had gone back and brought peace to the people. Wars no longer raged, the people were happy. It took some convincing as they couldn't believe Emilia would marry the devil. But as she told them of the changes he went through, how he helped save lives and took care of her and Alas, the people soon took a change of heart. Somehow they also managed to start getting power and internet installed. It was a bit crazy, but Ashiya had done a lot of research while he was here and helped instruct how to do it. The castle and surrounding areas had power and it would feel less dungeon like. Emilia had the castle redone, more modernized which Mao was happy to have done to please her. I couldn't wait to go home. This had been my home for almost 21-22 years. A change would be good. 

At that moment Lucifer came out from the bedroom, he came over and kissed me before he helped Hana serve breakfast. They sat down and we mostly ate in silence. 

"How will I use my wings?" Hana said in between bites.

"We've been over this." I said laughing.

"Our bodies go through a change. Your an angel and they manifest and your body will know what to do. You don't need to overthink it." Lucifer continued after me, chuckling as this question had been asked a million times.

"And do we really have to leave when it's dark?" Vanth asked impatiently 

"Yes, we can't be seen. I'm sorry it's such a long wait honey, but we have to take safety measures." I replied. We had planned to leave on a new moon again so we could leave without being seen. Hana sighed deeply. 

"Well what am I gonna do all day?" Hana asked

"You could play on your PASTA." Lucifer suggested. 

"Ugh, I do that all day everyday." Vanth complained.

"You could enjoy town and a burger on your last day here? Say goodbye to the friends you missed?" I offered.

"Fine." She replied pulling out her phone to text a few friends.

"You didn't think that making breakfast would make us go faster, did you?" Lucifer asked.

"Uh-no." Hana said immediately looking away and taking away the plates to wash them. 

Lucifer and I looked at each other and giggled. "What would you like to do today my love?" he asked me. 

"I'm not sure. Maybe we could go to that park you took me to on our first date?" I suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea. We can have a picnic. Bye sweetheart, be safe and be back before dark." Lucifer said to Hana.

"Whatever." She said slamming the door.

"Back to what I was saying. Maybe we could come back here and just enjoy each other's company?" He said with a suggestive raised eyebrow.

"Sounds good to me." I giggled like a little girl again. "Until then let me watch you play your PASTA."

We sat in the living room, me in front of him, his legs crossed under my legs which were straight out. He had his back against the wall so he could support me, his chin resting on my right shoulder. And we sat like that until noon, happy to just enjoy the quiet. We ended up picking up sandwiches at a gas station and enjoyed our lunch at the park. We walked home hand in hand from the park, reminiscing that first date that felt not so long ago. I placed my hand on the necklace and I felt Lucifer squirm and his other hand pulled mine off the necklace.

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