The Child

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Months passed, I had now grown accustom to sleeping in Urushihara's arms that it was slightly alarming when I woke up to find myself not in his arms. I started to panic and a quick calm blanketed me. I pressed my hand to the necklace; part of him was always with me.  I sat up and swung my legs off the side of the bed. I stretched, breathing in his scent from the shirt. I blushed deeply knowing that I had just done that. I decided to slip on some shorts and decided to visit my neighbors. I made myself a small cup of coffee and walked upstairs bare footed. I knocked on the door, Urushihara answering it.

"Sorry I didn't leave you a note. We have a small problem on our hands." He said letting me in. I saw Maou with a small child hugging him. Her long silver hair falling to her waist in small waves. I ran to Maou and picked the child up, an overwhelming instinct.

"Why hello there! And who do we have here?" I asked in a childish voice. Maou looked slightly heartbroken. Emi looked angrier than ever. 

"Hullo!" The small child said happily. "I am Alas Ramus." She smiled.

"I am Maou's neighbor, Lilly." I figured Lilly would be simple and easy for her to remember. I handed her back to Maou, seeing the hurt on his face dissipate. "So, where did she come from?" I asked as her bright violet eyes glimmering. 

"An apple." Emi said. "We're trying to figure out what to do with her right now. Maou here seems to think we need to keep her cause she thinks that we are her parents."

"If we pull her away from us she is only going to be hurt and confused. I will keep her here." Maou said seeming to put his foot down on the subject. 

"Well if you need someone to watch over her while Ashiya does research and you work, Urushihara and I here will watch over her." I said putting the offer out.

"You will? Thank you so much!" Maou said sighing out in relief.

"We will?" Urushihara asked, looking at me confused and slightly angry.

That's when Emi snapped. "So you think that I don't get a say in what happens here? Who's to say you won't use her against me? Or that you won't harm her?"

"Dear Emilia, I see no way Lilly here would want to hurt the poor girl. She has clearly changed Lucifer and his ways, she should be of some help babysitting the child. If she needs anything I will be just a short walk upstairs. I did work with children at the church a lot. And when she's up here, I'm next door to good Maou." 

"I need to get to work." Emi said storming off. All of a sudden we heard a loud crash and Alas Ramus started screaming at the same time. 

"MAMA!!!!" She cried out. I outstretched my arms for her and Maou gave her to me.

"Aaaalllaaaas," I whispered. "Mama will be back later. She loves you very much and will be back soon enough. Daddy too. Daddy has important stuff to do. Urushihara and I will play with you." I said smiling. She seemed to mostly calm down. "Would you like to hug daddy before he's late to work?" She nodded and Maou looked at the time, cussing under his breath. 

Alas hugged Maou tightly and started crying again. I picked her up and bounced her in my arms. I waited until Maou was for sure gone. "Let's go downstairs and get some food. Does that sound good Alas?" I asked she nodded. I walked with Alas Ramus in my arms, behind Urushihara, forgetting about my coffee. 

We stepped inside and I set Alas down. "Uru, could you watch her while I make some food?" I asked looking at him. 

When he was about to disagree, Alas began chanting, "URU! URU!" so Urushihara caved and walked with her. I decided it was late enough to make lunch. I cooked some spaghetti. Quick, easy, fun. I walked into the living room with the three bowls and saw Alas Ramus sitting in Urushihara's lap, watching him intently play his game. He had his head resting atop hers. 

"Food is ready," I called out. Urushihara waved me off and Alas followed his lead. I giggled. "Urushihara, you're gonna teach her your bad habits. We need to eat." 

"Fine." He sighed, pushing the laptop away from him and Alas. She continued to sit in his lap while we ate. She insisted on him feeding her. 

It made me melt seeing how well he did with her. I was happy to see that he did well with children. Maybe we could have children of our own, I thought blushing.

"Lil?" Urushihara called to me.

"Hmm?" I asked shaking my head.

"You're thinking out loud again." I felt my cheeks turn a deep shade of crimson. 

"Sorry." I muttered.

"No, you're fine." He said grabbing my hand. His face was red as well. 

When it was time for Alas to go back to Maou, Urushihara seemed kind of heart broken. "She'll be back tomorrow, Uru."

"What are you talking about? I'm fine. I just wanna play my video games and be with you."

"Say that to my face," I said looking at him. His face turned red. I began to step closer to him when he pushed me atop of the bed, him landing on top of me. 

"Maybe you're right." He said, his eyes glinting in the light, filled with happiness. "Maybe I do wanna spend time with her. I did enjoy myself today. But I'd prefer it if it was our child." He whispered against my lips. Suddenly we were entangled in each other. Arms around each other, legs wrapped tightly around hips, fingers snared in hair, lips smashed against each other. Maybe we would have our own child to take care of eventually. 

"I'm happy with just us right now." I said looking at him. 

"I am too." He whispered. "I love you so much Lillith." I felt myself melt in his arms. 

"I love you too Lucifer."

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