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I woke up still in Lucifer's jacket with him not beside me. He must have been sleeping in his own bed. I sat up, head pounding. Last night had taken a large toll out of me. I had used a lot of power to fly as long as I did, take down the forcefield and energy feeding Urushihara. And according to the others, I was emanating much more power around myself as well. But I didn't remember much other than Sariel restraining Urushihara and Urushihara being in my arms, calling me his angel.

I stood up and slid out of the jacket realizing just how hot it was. I moved to the bathroom and turned the water on. I peeled my dress off and stepped into the shower. The cool water ran down my body and I felt myself relax. Then it hit me. Today was my birthday. I didn't even want to do anything. Staying at home, watching TV in some shorts and a T-shirt with Urushihara sounded great to me.

Urushihara's POV

I sat up in my bed stretching. I looked for my jacket and started to freak. Lillith still had it. I needed it for today. Even if it was supposed to be really hot. I got up and changed to my shorts and t-shirt. I made my way towards Lillith's bed, hopefully she hadn't seen it. I stepped towards her door and saw her step out of her bathroom, water dripping from her hair down her back. I stopped and watched. She was only wrapped in a towel and I felt my face turn red.

I quickly turned around and spoke to Lilly. "Hey, could I have my jacket back?"

"Oh, hey Urushihara. And sure. Do you have any plans for today?"

"Um yeah. I was kind of hoping you would accompany me to the fair today." She came out, her blue hair a darker shade because it was wet. She smelt sweet and made me want to pin her down and kiss her. The towel wrapped tightly-"STOP!" I yelled.

"What's wrong Luci?"

"Nothing. Um. Are you okay with doing that today?" I asked. 

"Sure. But you really are acting weird."

"The least I've seen you in is one of my oversized shirts and your underwear. That's all." I said stretching the truth slightly. I took the jacket from her and walked back to my room. I checked the pocket. It was still there. Good.

Lillith's POV

I stepped into the living room to find Urushihara sitting in front of the computer like he used to. It made me smile seeing him doing something that seemed fairly normal.

"Hey, I'm all good when you are," I said watching him play. He shut the computer off and stood up and looked at me. He just watched me. "What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said smiling. "Let's go." We began to walk outside when we heard Suzuno call to us in her monotone voice from the top of the stairs.

"Lilly-chan! Urushihara-chan! Are you going to the fair as well? Would you care to accompany our group?"

I looked at Urushihara as if to say, 'Your choice'. "Sounds good to me, we'll be waiting here though." Urushihara replied.

We stood there waiting for the group to come down. It seemed as though Emi's work mate Rika and Ashiya had some sort of chemistry going on. Just the way they looked at each other and talked to each other. I watched as everyone but Emi made their way down the stairs gracefully. Emi slipped and landed on top of Maou.

"Would you mind getting off of me?" Maou groaned.

Once everyone was situated, we walked towards the fair. Maou and Chiho made their way towards the rides, Emi stalking them. Suzuno, Rika and Ashiya went to go find some form of entertainment. That left Urushihara and I to roam.

"So what would you like to do?" I asked.

"Wanna try some games?" He asked. "I doubt you could beat me." He said grinning.

"Oh you're on!" I said smiling.

We ran to the nearest booth. You had to hit balloons with darts. I paid for 10 darts and split them with Urushhara. We both landed each dart, winning us a giant bear. We continued on like this until we had more than enough prizes. We eventually had to ask if we could leave the prizes at a booth. I recognized the girl from the store and she agreed to hold on to them for us. By now it was getting dark. No one had made plans to meet back up. So Urushihara and I grabbed some food and hit a few rides. We finally arrived at a ferris wheel. Urushihara took my hand as we got into the car. Each car stopped at the top for a moment so the bottom car could be let off.

We reached the top and fireworks were being let off. "Lillith?" Urushihara said looking at me.

"Yes?" I watched him pull something out of his pocket. It wasn't very large.

"I want you to have this." He said handing me the box. I opened it and in the light of the fireworks I could somewhat see what it was. In my hands was a necklace with an amethyst stone, a black feather and a ring on it. There was something engraved on the ring that I couldn't read because of the poor lighting. Urushihara held his hand over it and let some power illuminate the dark. On the inside of the ring was, "I will carry you in the dark". While on the outside it said, "I will love you, raised or fallen".

"Lucifer," I breathed. "I-I don't know what to say."

"Happy Birthday." He said watching me. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. At this point we were at the bottom and we stepped out.

"Will you put it on me?" I asked. I handed him the necklace and he clasped it around my neck. "How did you afford this?" I asked.

"I was working odd jobs."

"Is that why you would disappear for hours and then come back exhausted?"

"Yes. Plus I condensed some of my magic into the stone for you. Now I have a question for you."


"Now we haven't fully expressed it yet, but I want you to be mine and only mine. So will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Of course!" I threw myself into his arms and kissed him.

We decided we didn't want to wait for the others and made our way home. We set our prizes in the living room and I changed into one of the oversized shirts I stole from Urushihara.

I crawled into his bed instead of my own, wanting to be with him. He came in, shrugged and pulled me into his arms. I loved his smell, it reminded me of home. I nuzzled more deeply into his chest.

"Thank you for the best birthday," I said.

"You're more than welcome." I could feel his smile.

I could feel myself sinking into sleep in his arms.



"I love you."

"I love you too Lillith."

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