The Plan

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I awoke on the floor, my left wing stretched over my face and part of my body. I was confused why I was on the floor and why my wings were out. I lifted my wing slightly to see where I was, feeling pain as I moved it. I looked around realizing I was in Maou and Ashiya's apartment. Lucifer was at the small table using the computer, and no Maou, Ashiya or Emi.

I sat up, body still stiff and crawled to Urushihara. He looked over to me and smiled. "Good morning beautiful," he kissed my forehead. "how are you feeling?"

"I'm sore. Why was I sleeping on the floor?" I asked.

"So Ashiya could treat your wound while you slept. You were only out for a couple of days." I yawned and leaned into him.

"I'm so sorry he got you. I should have known better."

"Don't beat yourself up. I'm back, I'm not surprised he used me against you. You followed me for years and finally we're together. There's his perfect chance. How is your wing? He got it pretty good." I pulled my wing inwards to inspect it. I lifted the large bandage and winced as it stuck to several feathers. I cried out in pain as I peeled the rest of the bandage off. Urushihara gave me a look of saddness but then gave me a weird look ignoring my wing.

"What happened to your necklace?" He asked picking it up in a hand.

"What do you mean?"

"The two wings coming off the main pendant." I looked down and sure enough, from the main pendant were two blackish purplish wings. But then it clicked.

"I went downstairs after you hadn't come back up and you were just gone. I was crying and Ashiya pointed out that it had two glowing purple wings. It was pretty warm then, and I'm not sure why," I said holding the pendant tightly. I watched as Urushihara squirmed. "What's wrong?"

"Something when you touch it, it links us. It's almost like it feeds me power, maybe it does. Sometimes it's like a hand touching my back, trying to pull my wings and it feels weird. And it. Ah. Nevermind." He chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "I think it might have something to do with the power I compressed into the necklace."

The door opened and Ashiya stepped in. "Ah! Lilly, it is good to see you awake. Let me help with bandaging your wound."

"Ah, okay," I said nodding. Urushihara turned back to the computer as Ashiya sat next to me on the floor, my wing stretched out towards him. He kept looking at Urushihara, a worried look on his face. As Ashiya was wrapping the bandage around my wing the door opened once again and Maou came in looking tired.

"Hello Atlas. How are you feeling?" He asked smiling when he saw I was awake.

"Sore but fine."

"We all have to talk now that you are awake." I suddenly felt my stomach knot up at what Maou said.

Ashiya finished bandaging my wing and stepped back. "I'll make some tea my lord." I moved closer to Urushihara, trying to see his face, to even read his expression, but he continued to wear a bored expression. Ashyia came back to sit with us after he poured tea.

"Urushihara, I think you better start with what happened while you were missing." Maou said looking at him.

Without looking away from the computer, he began to speak. "Your brother offered to let me back in if I handed you over, dead or alive. I refused, but I have a feeling that they're gonna keep attacking. We can't keep all this damage under control on Earth and we're constantly taking chances of being found by humans."

"So the plan is to go back to Ente Isla." Maou cut in. "The castle should still be standing. But we can't stay here. We're going to try to leave without Emi knowing. Alas will be sad, but she's safer here." Maou looked sad, but kept strong.

"Let's do it then. I don't anyone else getting hurt. I need my wing healed before we go though." I felt mildly disappointed, I loved my life here. It felt more like home than before.

"Than it's a plan." Maou said.

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