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When I was told that I would be going through the gate, my heart sped. Maybe I would finally be free of the war.  I was so tired of the constant fighting. I hadn't taken a side. It just wasn't my thing. But I had a small soft spot for the Sadao Satan's side. He had the fallen angel Lucifer on his side. I avoided them, but the general led his side with wonderful tactics.

The last I had heard of him, he was going with Olba to kill Sadao Satan and Emilia the Hero after they had disappeared through the gate. But that was months ago. Olba lost contact with us. I was to go find out what happened and return. I didn't like the idea of helping the church, but it would pay well, keep a roof over my head and food in my stomach.

The church taught me some of the language of the new land and  gave me what I presume was a decent amount of the currency from this new land as well as a key to an apartment they called it. They said it was below Satan's own apartment. So I was to move in as soon as possible. With the very few things I had; through the portal I went.

~Time skip~

The landlady greeted me and showed me to the apartment. She was a plump ugly lady with short lilac hair and red eyes. She told me if I needed anything to simply go upstairs and ask the gentlemen for help. She closed the door behind herself. I looked around and the apartment was fully furnished. I threw myself onto the bed thinking of how tiring the gate was. And to think of it, I only had a little magic left. I'd have to save it in case I ran into trouble.

I simply laid on my new bed falling asleep and waking up to the light shining in my eyes. I decided to get up to go shopping for some clothing and quick food. I soon found some dresses, cute boots, shoes and a couple of outfits.

I was on my way to what was called a MgRonalds later in the evening for some quick food so I wouldn't have to cook when I got home. I walked in to see a man who somehow looked like the human version of Satan which I wasn't certain of; and a small cute teenage girl with strawberry blonde pigtails. Her smile seemed to light up the place.

"Mr. Maou! We have customer!" She said excitedly as if I was the first customer in a while.

"Welcome!" The so called Maou said bowing slightly. "Whenever you are ready to order let us know."

"Thank you," I said smiling.

I looked at the menu and was trying to decide what to order when my train of thoughts was interrupted by Maou. "Excuse me ma'am, but did you just move into the lower apartment owned by Miki Shibba?"

"U-uh yes. Yes I did. Why do you ask?" I stammered. Maybe he's on to me and knows who I am and if that's the case, I'm screwed.

"I'm your upstairs neighbor!" He said with a goofy smile. "Sadao Maou, pleasure to meet you."

"Lilly May." I say relaxing a bit.

"Would you like help bringing your bags home Lilly? I'm going there in a few minutes and I'm sure my room mate Ashiya wouldn't mind making a little extra, plus it would save you a few dollars."

"B-b-but MR. MAOU!" The strawberry blonde starts; face turning a deep red. It was very clear she liked him.

"Chiho-" Maou starts.

"Chiho is it?" I ask and she nods. "Do not worry, I won't do anything to your Mr. Maou. He's all yours. I have somebody from home whom I still have." I say smiling, heart aching slightly thinking of Lucifer. This makes Chiho lighten up and Maou look at me weirdly.

"Just give me a few to clock out and change," Maou says shaking his head. I talked with Chiho while I waited and ordered a small soda. I learned that she was still in high school, but mostly she talked about Maou. She described him as a strong handsome man, with a soft heart, and good jokes. But for some reason his last name sounded so familiar. Where did I know the name Sadao?

"Ready to go Lilly?" Maou asked taking a few of my bags.

"Uh, yeah. Nice talking to you Chiho," I said waving to her.

"Bye Lilly! Bye Mr. Maou! Have a safe walk home. I'll see you later Mauo!" Chiho happily chimed from behind the counter.

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