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I woke up to an unfamiliar room. I looked around and saw a window next to my bed. I opened the curtain to see the sun rising. I could smell food from the other room so I decided to check it out.

When I tried to stand I fell and let out a cry. I heard footsteps rushing towards me.

"Lillith! Are you okay?!?" Lucifer's voice said from above me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. My body felt heavy and weak. I didn't want to move.

Lucifer picked me up and carried me out of the room. There was a kitchen outside of the room. I wasn't sure what he was cooking, but it smelt delicious.

I was sat down on a small chair. "I'm so glad you woke up. You've been asleep for a week. I've been feeding you liquids for a few days. Your body has been accepting food, it just hasn't been used so you're going to have some atrophy. Would you like some solid food and water?"
I nodded. Lucifer set a glass of water next to me. I had to use both hands to pick it up.

The next week was spent getting my body back into shape so I could use it again. Not once during this did Lucifer kiss me and it broke my heart.

One morning, it seemed that I had awoken before him. I dressed in my white dress that stuck to my breasts, stomach and hips but flowed out around my thighs and hands. I snuck off to go see the outside. I looked at the giant tree house that we were staying in. It sat in several trees. I decided to stretch out my wings. It felt great to not keep them in any longer. Although I did wish my dress were a darker color to match my wings. I gave a few flaps and was in the air. I remembered what it was like to be free. To have no one hate me. And it was nice.

I had known of this place. I had decided before Lucifer was killed that I would confess my feelings to him. So I followed him back and and watched him. He had angels guarding the doors so I didn't. I heard the door open and close and soon Lucifer was close to me. I shot up through the trees, hoping he couldn't keep up, but he was a strategist.

I took a sharp left turn and wove in and out of trees, admiring the view, a good idea where I was heading. I shot back up through the leaves and up into the sky. I could hear Lucifer close behind me. The next question was, could he keep up?

I turned and looked at him, "Don't slow down." I turned and felt the power of my wings push the air forcefully through them. Now I was smiling, happy to be home. I saw the sheer cliff coming up and I flew as close to the ledge as I could.

"Where are you going?" Lucifer asked.

"Home." I said smiling. "I hope it's still standing." We reached the top of the tall mountain and I saw the trees, dropped and retracted my wings. I landed gently on the ground and began walking, knowing the trees were too thick to fly through. I heard Lucifer land behind me. He walked up next to me and reached to grab my hand. Our fingers intertwined made me blush.

"We're almost there." I said almost running to get there quicker. We came to a small opening in the trees. A few had fallen near the small pond. A tree had fallen into the house but that was it. I ran to the door and threw it open. Everything was as it was.

"We'll have to leave soon seeing that you're better." Lucifer said.
"There's one thing that I want to do."

We walked around and into my room. I sat on my bed missing the feel of it.

Lucifer walked over to me and kissed me deeply. I missed his touch and his lips against mine. I scooted over towards the middle of the bed so he had room. He pushed me down and kissed me harder. His lips dragged from mine to my jawline and finally to my neck. We promised to never speak of what came next.

Soon enough we had the small bit of clothing Lucifer had brought with him and were heading through the gate, hand in hand, both of us crimson red. We landed to see all of the apartments empty.

Dark Angels (Urushihara x OC)Where stories live. Discover now