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Time didn't seem to go fast enough. Alas seemed to be getting on my every last nerve. I knew she wasn't trying to. But this was something extremely important.

I pulled up Lucifers tracker and could see Emi running here. Ashiya, Maou's and I were blinking near each other. "Emi is on her way here. Her shift must be up." I said through gritted teeth.

"Lilly," Ashiya said from the stove. "Everything will turn out fine. Please relax some."

"How can I relax? They hit me in a sensitive spot. I have to wait. I'll be surprised if this plan even works. He could be dead by now."

"I'm sure they have him alive, otherwise you wouldn't come." Ashiya said.

"Lilly, I know you don't remember the night that Alciel attacked very well. But the energy you put out was able to revert us completely back to out forms. Having gone back to Ente Isla, I feel like you will be more powerful tonight. We will help in anyway we can." Maou smiled a sad smile, but his eyes had a serious flame in them. We were like family, the outcast here. Hit one of us and you get tenfold what you gave.

I heard the door open and a gasp. I turned to see Emi standing there. I stood and crossed my arms, "Glad you could come over."

"So what exactly happened?" She asked. So I had to explain and for some reason, my necklace grew bright again and I knew he was okay. For now. We ate and discussed the plan, but time still wouldn't move fast enough. I soon found myself pacing. Everyone was wide awake. Suzano was next door with Alas so she could sleep. I looked at the clock, it read 11:28. I decided to leave.

"I'm going to walk. I need to keep my head clear. Keep an eye on my tracker."

"Fly or walk two circles counter clockwise if anything comes up." Emi said. "And stay safe." I nodded and slid my black combat boots on. I was dressed entirely in black to avoid being seen. This time I would win. I wasn't going back down. I wasn't going to be treated like shit again.

I made my way down the stairs, trying to keep the rage from building up inside of me. I walked slow so I wouldn't be early. When I arrived I saw my brother dressed in white on a bench with Lucifer laying on the ground at his feet.

"I expected you earlier dear sister."

"What do you want Gabriel?"

"You're such a bad girl. They should have killed you. I don't know why they spared you. You can never come back Lillith."

"I never planned on going back."

"So you just planned on living here with one of the most dangerous fallen angels?"

"It's none of your buissness what I plan to do." I could feel my wings stretching out of my back. I shot a magic bolt at him but he deflected it back at me.

"Tut, tut. Having you learned anything? You may be able to destruct, but you're not strong enough." He laughed and his laughter bellowed through the night sky. He stood up and picked Lucifer up by his hair. "He lives if you come with me. Quietly."

"Fine," I said smiling.

"Never thought it'd be so easy." He dropped Lucifer and took off into the sky with me following. I looped through the air twice, counter clockwise as Emi had said. I shot a magic bullet at him and he dodged. He shot one towards Lucifer. I pushed a barrier up around him.

"Silly sister, you can't protect both of you."

"Wanna bet?" I drew more power in feeling it make me stronger. I could see the look of horror in my brothers eyes. I landed myself next to Lucifer. "Urushihara, you need to wake up now. I need your help." He groaned but didn't move. I suddenly felt pain tear through my left wing. "You didn't." I breathed. All of a sudden Maou and everyone was there, Emi ran to Lucifer and I. I extended the shield to protect her. The next bullet flew directly at the shield but it didn't budge. I saw Maou behind Gabriel and then my brother was on the ground. I ran over to him and put my hand to his neck. The magic was building in my hand, singeing his neck slightly.

"Please. Don't do this." He cried out.

"How funny. I recall crying that out but no one came to my rescue. In fact I remember you laughing with a big grin," I could feel one spreading across my lips.

"Lilly, don't kill him. We don't need anymore angels here." Ashiya spoke from behind me.

"I won't. But this is for all the pain you put me through." I kicked his shin, hearing a satisfying crack and he screamed out. I then shot my magic at his right hand, the energy nearly blasting it off. "Now get the hell out of here. Or I'll do much worse." I watched as he took off.

I let out a sigh of relief and suddenly felt dizzy. I didn't realize how much energy I had used up.  Soon I was falling back, the last thought on my mind was Lucifer.

Dark Angels (Urushihara x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora