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I woke up in the morning and Lucifer wasn't next to me. I panicked and sat up, looking around the room, wincing slightly at the pain in my back. I got up and slid on a pair of shorts. I could hear talking upstairs. It appeared everyone was home. I made my way up the stairs and knocked on the door which opened to a very tired looking Ashiya. He smiled when he saw me.

"It is good to see you again Lilly. Even so in better health. I suppose you are looking for Urushihara?" I nodded and Ashiya let me in. The apartment was in slightly different organization then we had put it and everyone was around the table in the middle of the room talking. I ran to Maou who had Alas Ramus in his lap. She saw me and reached her arms up smiling.

"LILLIL!!" She cried out. Everyone turned to look at me. I was still in Lucifer's shirt and hadn't even bothered to brush my hair. I picked Alas up and sat next to Lucifer. I leaned on him while I played with Alas's hair.

"So what happened while we were gone?" I asked. Ashiya set a cup of tea in front of me.

"Alas is a fragment of Yesod. She merged with Emi's sword which is also a fragment. We had to temporarily move because some of damages due to trying to protect her." Maou said speaking slowly and sadly.

"I can't not have my sword with me now. She just transforms and appears next to me." Emi explained. "She threw awful tantrums when you both left."

"But we have bigger problems now." Lucifer said looking at me. Everyone looked at him worried.

"When we went back the church sensed me and when I didn't report to them they decided to treat me as an enemy. And my brother." I breathed. The pain in my chest matched that of my back. Alas turned and pressed her hands to my cheeks and kissed one. "Thank you Alas." I said as a single tear rolled down my cheek. Lucifer wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. He was the only one who knew.

"Back home I am a fallen angel." I began. "No, Lucifer isn't the only one. My family knew I was capable of destruction. They made me do horrible things; destroy small islands. My brother reported me and soon I was to be punished. He smiled the whole way to my punishment. I had every feather pulled till they grew black. And now he's after me. Again. He left a note in my mailbox." I left out the part where I was actually fallen because of Lucifer.

Everyone sat there horrified. Alas wrapped her arms around my neck. "Don't be sad Lillil." I smiled a sad smile as I hugged her back.

"I can't protect her alone. Her brother is very high up in heaven and has connections all throughout Ente Isla." Lucifer sighed. "I hate to ask, but I need your guy's help. Please." I could hear the pain in his voice.

Maou's fist slammed on the table. "I don't care what happened back in Ente Isla. We will do whatever we can to keep you safe Lilly. There will always be someone with you. Urushihara at night, Ashiya, Emi or I during the day. Urushihara, I need you to research during the day. Tracking strange events and what not. We will do whatever it takes to stop him Lilly, don't you worry about anything." Maou said smiling his devilish smile.

Dark Angels (Urushihara x OC)Where stories live. Discover now