Gimmie Shelter & Skeletal Fracture

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All the competitors were ridding on the boat onto on island in Thailand

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All the competitors were ridding on the boat onto on island in Thailand. Looking around Dani could tell that all the competitors there were either new or did not have a challenge champion title attached to their name.

Dani's confessional:
" Hey my name is Danielle or Dani for short. I am from Los Angeles, California and I am 21 years old. I happen to have an Einstein level IQ to go along with a photographic memory. Which I think will be a huge asset in this game. I really hope that these other competitors watch their backs because I am here to win and seeing as there are no other champs I think I have a high chance of winning."

Once arriving to the island everyone seems confused as to why they are in a shelter looking place instead of the typical mansions that competitors are placed in. Dani figured that this was a part of this seasons twist to see how everyone could adjust to surviving in a rundown place along with the stress of the upcoming challenges. She sets her stuff down and set up her area before going to talk with the other people in the shelter. A main part of the game is to form connections in order to make it far in the game. Lone wolves do not make it far because they are seen as easy targets to get rid of.

After awhile TJ appears and starts explaining how this challenge will be the hardest challenge ever and it was not to be taken as a vacation. He also goes on to explain how there is a separate house called "The Oasis" and that they will have to earn their way into it by winning.

Dani's confessional:
"Look I don't know if I'm being paranoid or what but I have a feeling that there will be more twists and turns to this game than just having to win and earn our way into "The Oasis". All I know is that I am not going to show all my cards during the upcoming challenges because I want to see what everyone has to offer first. I mean I need to have a few tricks up my sleeve if I'm going to make it all the way to the end."

Once it starts getting late in the night, Dani heads to the bath area to start getting ready for bed. She knew she would have to go to bed early in order to wake up early and keep her daily routine going even in a new place. To say she was nervous and excited at the same time would be an understatement but no one would know because she kept a calm composure because letting people see your nerves would make them want to eat you alive.

The next morning:
Waking up the next morning in the shelter had Dani thinking about three things: 1. Stay in the right mindset for the game, 2. She needs to stay on the top of her game and 3. She really hates bugs. After slapping a bug off her arm she starts to change her clothes for the day ahead. She does her normal daily routine of running 6 miles at day break. After finishing she comes back to shower and then change again before going to hang out with the competitors some more before the upcoming challenge. Later in the night they get their clue for it and everyone decides to head off to sleep to conserve energy.

Challenge day:
Tj starts off the day by saying the challenge name is "The over under" and then explaining the aspects of what they were going to do. He specified that it is going to be an individually competed challenge. First guy and girl will be safe from elimination and punch their ticket into "The Oasis".

Dani's confessional:
"Once TJ said that this was an individual challenge I knew getting an early ticket into the oasis would be the best thing to do. I have to be very smart with who I work with in Oder to win this challenge."

Dani was working with the larger group that held Nicole, Ashley, and Cory among other people. She decided until the last leg of the race she will help in order to seem like a team player and not be targeted first. After that it would be every man for themselves. She got to the station first and took a step back to analyze the ropes. It was like everything was falling into place as she pulled the relic out of the ropes and crossed the line first, claiming herself as the winning girl for this challenge and punching her ticket into the oasis.

After the challenge they headed back to the shelter to unwind and also think about who would be competing against Latoya and Bruno in the elimination. Dani could sense the tension throughout the group discussion and she couldn't stand it. She just back and watched it all unwind into a screaming match. People started to disperse into their own corners and talk it out separately and see were their heads were at. After awhile Dani decided to head to bed and relax away from all the drama enjoying that she was safe for now.

Elimination deliberations:
TJ arrives to the camp in order to see who will be voted in to compete and earn their spots. Dani thought that Sylvia was being overly dramatic when deciding who to vote in. Once it was her turn she decided that she was going to choose tony ultimately sending him into the elimination. After that it was time for the guys to vote in which girl they wanted. The elimination would feature Bruno VS Tony and Latoya vs Kailah.

After the deliberation there was more drama which made Dani roll her eyes and walk towards the water in order to escape all the yelling and shit talking. When she walked back to the shelter the two pairs of boys and girls were packing their stuff for their upcoming elimination face off. She hugged all of them and told them good luck and may the best person win.

Elimination winner arrivals:
Everyone was anxiously waiting for the winners of the elimination to arrive back to the shelter. Dani was out sitting by the water watching the sun go down because it helped calm her down. She could hear a contain of people shouting and cheering at something in the distance. As she turns her head she can see Tony and Kailah walking back in the distance. She got up and ran to greet them and congratulate them. She had spoken to Tony after the elimination deliberation that the only reason she voted him in was so that he could punch his ticket in because she believed in his ability to win. He had told her that he didn't hold it against her and was gonna fight for it. Seeing him come back she knew that she was right and now they have their tickets punched into "The Oasis". There was still some drama between the group but that was a given since everyone their was fighting to become a champion.

Authors note: first chapter done and if you noticed things will be a little different in who will win which challenges and who will be going home just so it fits the story line. I'm excited for when she gets to meet Johny and what their first impression of each other will be.

The challenge: Invasion of the Champions Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu