Math is Hard & The True Champions

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Dani kept swimming and occasionally she would yell back at Nelson to encourage him to keep going

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Dani kept swimming and occasionally she would yell back at Nelson to encourage him to keep going. She got the land first and waited for Nelson. Upon arriving at the puzzle board she read the instructions and then took off in counting the triangle out. She started dividing and doing mental math and she ended up getting the lock off. They are now neck and neck with CT and Camila leave Nicole and Cory still at the puzzle board.

They get back to the start like a minute or two behind CT and Camila. They unlock the second puzzle board and start to clear out the sand. She notices that it was the challenge flag. So she gets to work in putting it all together with Nelson's help. They completed their puzzle a couple seconds after the champs team and now they were just waiting for Nicole and Cory to get back.

Dani's confessional:
"Watching Cory and Nicole solve puzzles is like watching a two year old try and stuff a square into a circle hole. These puzzles were not that hard like come on."

TJ announces that they would be heading back into the shelter. Dani started to look around and realize the changes to it since they left it all that time ago. Everyone started eating canned food and relaxing before TJ appeared back in front of them. They would have to extract the juice from coconuts to get a the advantage of adding a time buster to anyone they want. Dani found this process so exhausting.

After an hour of smashing open coconuts and draining them TJ class time. He starts to check who had won. The team that won ended up being Cory and Nicole. Nicole added her time buster on Camila's time and Cory decided to tack it onto CT's time. Camila was upset about it which Dani didn't get because why wouldn't it be added to her time since she was in the lead? Like hello.

Dani's confessional:
"Camila acting like she didn't deserve the five minutes added to her time is insane. You were in first place today. It makes sense to add five minutes to your overall time because then that brings it down and gives everyone a chance to win. I'm one hundred percent positive if I had been in the lead she would have given it to me alliance or not. Smart thinking Nicole."

After everything they all settled into the little mats to retire for the night. Well most of them cause Cory wanted to hook up with Camila. The next day Dani woke up early to watch the sunrise. She was soon joined by CT before they all started to get ready to compete. For day two Dani chose to work with CT. They took off running and head towards the check points that they needed to complete to get their puzzle pieces.

Seeing what they had to eat made Dani gag but she shook out her arms and legs and chose to eat grasshoppers and silkworms because they seemed like the better option of the two. Nelson and Nicole were the first ones out but her and CT were no too far behind them. Poor Camila was stuck waiting for Cory to finish eating.

Once they arrived at the second check point CT begins to read the instructions. On their first try of the obstacle CT ended up toppling down first. Trying it once more, he fell again. So they decided that they would take the time penalty and move on. At the third checkpoint they jump straight into the water to retrieve their puzzle piece.

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