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Dani was standing back and watching as Shane basically poured awhile gallon of gasoline onto the flames that are Nelson and Cory

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Dani was standing back and watching as Shane basically poured awhile gallon of gasoline onto the flames that are Nelson and Cory. She was just hoping that they would not start throwing hands at each other. She closed her eyes after watching as both Cory and Nelson started pushing each other. Security had to separate them but they kept going back in forth on how Nelson played Cory.
Dani: Cory get your head back in the game and get ready for round two. It isn't over yet! Use your anger Cory!
Nicole: come on Cory! There you go!

Cory was able to get the point and now they were setting back up in the middle for the next go around. In the end Cory was able to beat Shane and get into the final. The smartest and strongest players on the underdog team happen to be Dani, Nicole, Nelson, and Cory.

Dani's confessional:
"I am practically and most likely heading into a final with people that have been in my alliance. We have our lasted everyone who wanted us gone. Let's do this!"

Back in The Oasis:
Cory and Nelson ended up talking it out and realizing that it was the heat of the moment and they were mainly angry cause they were both trying to make it to a final. They started jumping up and down celebrating that they were basically there.

The next day Dani was in the pool with everyone and they were informing Nicole of her long lost peanut butter jar that was hidden from her during a prank. Dani slyly looked at Laurel as she cleaned Nicole's peanut butter jar. Nicole then start questioning her about it. And Dani watched as Laurel was trying to bullshit her way out of getting in trouble for hiding the peanut butter jar.

Dani was in the pool talking with CT and Camila about how there would only be two champs getting the team jackpot.

Elimination round:
Standing in front of TJ he says they will be playing caved in. They have to get through all eight cages and their obstacles in order to find a key and exit. The first team to complete it will win $30,000 into their team bank account. It was going to be a champion elimination and it wouldn't matter who won because every champ was heading into the fortress no matter what.

In the first cage they entered it was filled with cinder blocks that they had to move out of the way along with coconuts in order to get to the next cage. In the second cage it was basically the same but they would have to climb up into the third cage that held coconuts. Everyone started chucking them out of the way trying to find a way to the forth cage. Getting the coconuts out of the they had to kick the sand down and the door started to open. They sent Dani through the door first and Nelson next while they pulled Nicole and Cory pushed their way in. The forth cage held a bunch of ropes that they had to move out of the way. The fifth cage held more cinder blocks and in the sixth cage it held bamboo type sticks.

They would have to break some of them to be able to enter the seventh cage. It was empty but they needed the key from the eighth cage that ended up being buried by coconuts. Now it was a race to the key first. Everyone was digging around trying to find it and the underdogs ended up being the first ones out winning another $30,000 for their team bank making it total to $85,000.

Dani watched as Camila and Laurel fought over how they lost. Laurel ended up saying that Camila didn't do anything and they were all just disappointed in their performance. The underdogs were all just celebrating their win. It was going to be a very entertaining elimination round between all these heavy hitters.

Back at the house before the elimination:
Dani went to work out a bit before calming herself down by doing some yoga and stretching in order to keep her muscles loose and not tight.

Elimination round:
TJ announces that the champs will be playing something called knot so fast. The game is played in two rounds. First round they will get ten minutes to create a top obstacle difficult enough to stump their opponents because for round two they will switch ropes and untie their competitors rope obstacle. The girl would be competing first. They were both movie so fast weaving around and up and down carrying the rope around.

Dani had to applaud them because she could tell that rope was heavy as hell. They both looked like monkey climbing and hanging around on the bars. After time was up they ended up switching sides. Camila looked locked in and focused on the task until she slightly started to panic a little bit. She seemed to take a breath and then got back in the game. Laurel ended up looking slightly unfocused. Camila ended up figuring it out and pulling out the win sending Laurel home and solidifying her spot in the final.

Nicole and Laurel shared a very heartfelt goodbye and Dani watched as Camila crises tears of joy over winning and beating Laurel. The guys were up to compete next and it was about to get interesting.

Dani's confessional:
"Watching as act and Darrell take their places in front of there cages just makes it more real. After this heat then it's straight into competing in a final. Like I came in here as a twenty-one year old single surgeon with a genius level IQ. And I'll be leaving here still being a surgeon but I'll be twenty-one year old, almost twenty-two year old surgeon with a man back in California and possibly being a challenge champion. Like it feel so surreal to even be saying that. I thank my lucky stars that I have been able to have quite an amazing rookie season. Ughhh I can't wait! Finals here I come."

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