Underdog Eat Underdog World

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Challenge day:

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Challenge day:

Everyone had turned to see eight of the past challenge champions walking towards them. It consisted of a lot of heavy hitter names. TJ introduced the underdogs to The Challenge: Invasion of the Champs and it will be champs vs underdogs. They will be continuing the season competing in teams for the time being.

Dani's confessional:
"Seeing all of the champs walk out is honestly very intimidating because even though I knew there would be some type of twist I was not expecting this. We started out just competing again each other and already formed little alliance groups and now we all have to work together? Is TJ crazy or what? I just hope we can all get it together so that we can take them out. *clears throat with a slight blush on her cheeks* well some of them for now. Others I wouldn't really mind getting to know first. *awkward chuckle*

The team that wins the challenge each day will win money for their teams. They will still have eliminations between their own little teams with it switching off from an underdog elimination or a champ elimination depending on the day. TJ says that the challenge of the day is called knockout and that it was going to be guys vs guys and girls vs girls. He goes on to explain the challenge and the team has to score three goals to win the heat played in at least two heats. It will ultimately be an underdog elimination day first.

Dani's confessional:
"Is it bad that I am not that nervous to face the champs in this elimination? I mean this challenge can prove that us 'underdogs' can hang with the big dogs. Watch out champs it's time to have someone new win the title."

Dani ended up being the first female to score and now gets to decide which underdog gets to go straight into the elimination round. She had scored two out of three of the balls during the game. The underdog girls ended up winning their heat and now it was up to the boys in order to win the money for their team. The first boy to score ended up being Dario which means he also gets to decide along with Dani who goes into elimination. The champ guys ended up putting one hell of a fight but they still came up short to the underdog guys.

Dani's confessional:
"Is bad for me to say that Johnny looks very good taking people down *fans herself while blowing out a breathe* I mean like come on."

It was announced the underdogs were the overall winners of the challenge and they had added $10,000 to their team bank. The guys round was a lot closer and more competitive than the girls round. Dani chose to send in Shane straight into the elimination because she didn't really talk with him. TJ tells Dario to choose any girls to send into the elimination and he chooses to send Sylvia straight in. He also mentions the champs will be moving into The Oasis as well.

Dani's confessional:
"Oh I am so excited for the champs to join us because in the house because it means more opportunities to make alliances and get to know each other. *winks at the camera* I guess we'll see what this season holds."

Most of the boy champs ended up grabbing beds in Dani's room and Camila also attempted to room there but there were no more beds and the guys were also telling her not to room there. Dani had walked into her room and saw all the new people in there.
Dani: oh umm hey. I hope you guys aren't uncomfortable with me also being in this room because if you are then I can just sleep on the coach. I don't really mind.
Johnny: No not at all you were here first. So if you feel uncomfortable at anytime with us don't be afraid to let us know. *a little flirtatiously*

Johnny's confessional:
"I know I know this may seem a little out of character for me being all nice to someone but I mean hey there is this good looking girl in our room and she was willing to leave the room even though she was there first. And I mean she has been a tough looking competitor so far so it wouldn't hurt to befriend an underdog or be more than friends." *winks at the camera*

Dani: *small smile on her face* well I'm just going to head out and hang out by the pull my name is Dani by the way. I look forward to getting to know you guys as people and competitors in the house.

Johnny had watched her walk at and his eyes trailed her figure and landed straight on her butt. He looked to his roommates before getting changed into something more comfortable and heading towards the rookie girl out by the pool. He sits right next to the girl before getting in so that he is facing her.

Johnny: Hey I didn't really get to introduce myself earlier but my name is Johnny and I just want to say you are a one tough girl. Can't lie but my eyes were on you the whole time you guys were competing today.
Dani: *shy smile on her face turning to look at him.* I know who you are I've watched the past seasons to prepare myself. *biting her lip before continuing* I had my eyes on you throughout the challenge too and might I say I was very impressed.
Johnny: *getting closer to her and smiling flirtatiously* So what I'm hearing is that you like me *winking at her*

Dani had playfully pushed him on the shoulder and was about to reply before her team had called her into the house for a team meeting. Sighing before getting up she waves at him before starting to walk towards the house. She pauses for a minute.

Dani: *smile on her face* see you in our room Johnny *winking at him and chuckling*

She turns back around smile a little wider than before and heads into the house straight for the table that held her whole team. Upon getting there everyone was talking about working together and all of this nonsense that Dani knew went in one ear and out the other for most of these people. She saw that most of the champs were gathering around to hear their conversation and she turned her head watching Johnny turn his head towards her and wink right at her. She pretended that she didn't notice because she did not need to be accused of not listening into what everyone was saying even though she had tuned that out once she had sat down. To be fair Dani was just ready to head for bed and having to hear them talk was making her even more tired.

After awhile of everyone slightly raising their voices at each other they all went their separate ways and Dani went to go get ready for bed.

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