The Bloodbath

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Dani's confessional:"Waking up this morning I am actually feeling extremely confident

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Dani's confessional:
"Waking up this morning I am actually feeling extremely confident. I'm not scared of what this upcoming challenge will bring. I feel bad for whoever ends up going home but it just won't be me. I can just feel it in my bones that it isn't not my time yet."

Gathering all of her things the next morning, she went to go and talk to Darrell, CT, and Shane. His game plan was actually very smart playing a weak player but still knowing your strength and when to strike.

Elimination round:
Walking up to TJ he says it's called x-it and the last place guy and girl will automatically go home and everyone else will go into the fortress where two more people will go home. It will leave the strongest four players in the end.

Dani's confessional:
"Holy shit it's a math puzzle type. I do these types of things for fun. I am so excited to do this. Knowing that even if you complete it first you will still have to go into the fortress sucks but that's okay. I made it this far avoiding it but it's my time to prove myself. The boys are up first so it's time to watch and plan as to what to do for this challenge."

Dani was watching the boys compete and picking up certain tips as to what to do. The most important thing to do is the puzzle. Getting your pieces first won't matter if you can't complete the puzzle. These boys are making it seem like this puzzle is super hard. It took almost two hours before the first guy finished and it was Shane who finished first.

She felt so bad watching Hunter struggle and she tried to give him some advice. Cory completed his and it was down to Nelson and Hunter for the last spot. Hunter stopped when Nelson called for a check and Nelson ended up obtaining the last spot sending Hunter straight home. She shook out her limbs and moved her head side to side getting ready for the challenge after getting hooked up.

As soon as the horn went off people were pulling in all sorts of directions. She went with the people and grabbed her bags ease. She was the first one to get all her pieces together. Organizing everything out she started counting out the flames and placing the pieces on her board. She was checking everything over then called for a check. She was the first one to finish and had it done in under twenty minutes. Amanda finished right after her. They were both celebrating and then sat to watch who would get the last spot between Jenna and Nicole. Nicole started to get support from Laurel and kept going. Nicole finally called for a check and TJ went to go look it over. He blew the horn signaling that Nicole grabbed the last spot to compete in the fortress.

Dani's confessional:
"Ahhhhh I can't believe I'm this close to a final in my first season of the challenge. *looking at the camera with teary eyes* damn it these are happy tears I swear. Just one more obstacle before the final underdog team is solidified. Tonight ima go all out. Watch out people it's game time."

Once arriving back to the house Dani and Nicole went to go work out. She was lifting weights and squatting before going on the treadmill switch places with Nicole. It was a light and fast workout because she didn't want to over do it. Still in her challenge gear she went to eat with everyone in the dining room/ kitchen. It was now time to head out for the elimination.

Elimination round:

Seeing TJ there just made it so real for everyone. Dani closed her eyes to send out a quick prayer up above for her to be able to make it into a final. TJ says that was a chance for redemption to find out who the strongest competitors are. They were going to be competing in something called inside out in two same sex rounds with three players battling it out for the first time. They are going to be tied up to each other and battle it out to ring their bell first and be safe. Once the horn rang it was every man for themselves and somehow it ended up with Dani landing close enough to her bell for her reach out and get it. After a long and hard fight to ring it. Dani jumped up quick and rang her bell first solidifying the first spot in the final four underdogs.

Dani's confessional:
"Oh god I feel like the luckiest bitch alive. I don't even know how it happened but I ended up close enough to my bell just to ring it. That shit hurt like a fucking bitch. It was digging into my skin. *standing up and pulling up her shirt slightly* look at this bruise that I have forming. But hey I have my challenge battle scars. *wide smile on her face*

Dani was hoping that Nicole can pull it off in the next round. First person to get both feet out of the circle first two times wins.
Dani: come on Nicole push it. Get your ass out of that circle!

The first round went to Nicole so she had gotten the first point. She just needed one more point to earn her spot into the final basically. Amanda ended up tying it up which sent it into a third and final round.
Dani: come one Nicole fight for it! You got it. Get your head back in the game!

Then Nicole was quite literally able to crawl backwards to sneak her way into a final. Now it would just be up to the guys to see who would be joking both Dani and Nicole in the final.
Dani: *hugging Nicole* good job babe. You did so fucking good. Started it together going to finish it together.
Nicole: hell yeah! Let's keep on winning. *smiling and hugging her back*

The guys went and Nelson ended up ringing his bell first. It looked like Nelson played both Cory and Shane. Dani notice that Cory looked extremely pissed at Nelson. Cory started arguing with Nelson and it looked like a fight was going to begin. And Shane just kept adding gasoline to the flames.

Dani's confessional:
"I don't know what happened or if Nelson really did pull a fast one on both Cory and Shane but they need to get it together before someone is sent home over something stupid this close to a final. We never know how many opportunities are left in the game to earn money before we actually run the final. So shake it off and get your heads back in the game. I mean come on. * putting hear head into her hands while shaking it*

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