Helter Shelter & Four Tickets to Paradise

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The next day:Dani was running her last mile of that morning, enjoying the fresh air and calmness of everyone being asleep

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The next day:
Dani was running her last mile of that morning, enjoying the fresh air and calmness of everyone being asleep. She did not want to waste to much energy because she did not want to be seen as someone who lacked in physical ability and have her first challenge win as a fluke. The day was calm and everyone was just hanging around until they got the clue arrived and it was said that people who had punched their ticket to the oasis were able to hang back and watch the others earn their tickets. She was excited to be able to relax and watch what other people had in order to see what their strengths and weakness could be.

The name of the challenge today was Shell Shocked and would be basically shooting type challenge after rowing boats to collect their coconut balls into nets. The twist was that the winning guy and girl of this challenge will earn their way into The Oasis and then the winners will also chose a boy and a girl pair to send straight into the elimination round. Dani thanked her lucky stars that she didn't have to do this challenge because she would not want to keep tipping over in a boat almost every minute. She did find it entertaining to watch though. The winners of the challenge ended up being Hunter and Nicole. Dani didn't really like how Hunter handled his win by calling people out and over celebrating a bit but she didn't get in the middle of it. She like mainly like to stray away from drama.

Elimination deliberation:
TJ arrives to the house and everyone gathers around and he starts it off by having the winners choose who they want to send straight into elimination. Hunter chooses Jenna and the group votes in Anika. Nicole chooses to send in Theo straight in to the elimination and the house votes Cory to go in and face him.

Dani's confessional:
"I kind of think that Hunter voting in Kenna just because she is friends with Kailah is not the best decision because it was an emotionally driven choice and not a strategic choice. But hey to each their own and I hope it doesn't come back to bite him in the ass. Sitting back and watching everything happen you get to see all the sides of people in this game. That is why you can never be to comfortable because you never know when people will strike but I guess we will see who survives till the end." *shakes her head with a chuckle*

Elimination winners return:
Everyone was back to playing the waiting game as to who would return from the elimination. Dani knew this elimination would slightly solidify which side of the house had the most votes for their groups. She could be seen sitting by the water again watching the sun go down to calm her nerves. This seemed to be a routine for her because watching the sun go down reminded her of home and everything her parents had told her to calm her down before big events such as exams and competitions. They would say, " Dani just look to the sun because as long as it rises and falls then everything in the world will be okay. Take in it's serenity and openness to change and allow it to help you do your job." With her eyes closed and a small smile on her face she sat waiting for the winning pair to return. Hearing the commotion of the other competitors, opening her eyes and turning her head quickly and sees Jenna and Cory walking back to The Shelter. She jumped onto her feet with a wide smile on her face and ran to go and greet them with her arms open wide. After having them say what happened at the elimination, Dani was left super confused as to why Theo would just quit.

Dani's confessional:
"Theo why on earth would you sign up just to end up quitting like what? I'm just glad that the people I am aligning with are getting their tickets for The Oasis. So I guess thanks also Theo because you just handed Cory a free ticket even after talking all that shit of going in and destroying him since you were a "real" athlete. I just want to see how many more chances people will have in order to get out of this Shelter and into The Oasis. I am honestly over all the bugs that get through the bug net" *nose crunched up a bit with a slightly disgusted face on*

The next day:

Everyone was sitting around waiting for the next clue to figure out what the next challenge would entail. Dani was showering after her run, she decided to run two extra miles since she was safe for the time being and did not have to compete yet.

Dani's confessional:
"Everyone is out here pairing up and hooking up and it's like you can't turn a corner without someone making out. You have to be smart with who you decide yo hook up with in this house because people can be very emotionally driven at times. Which has been evident so far but hey that's none of my business. *points and winks at the camera*

Challenge day:
Everyone was walking up to TJ for the next challenge explanation. The challenge name is Caged and confused and it is the last challenge for people to earn their way into The Oasis. With the loosing pair of guys and girls heading straight into the elimination of the day. Apparently everyone was going to get Burger King after this challenge which was exciting because it was going to be something different.

Dani's confessional:
"I think this is the worst challenge we have had so far because that looks painful and dizzying. Ashley is in the lead so far and Sylvia just looks like she is quitting which sucks because I thought there would be more of a fight in all of them but hey we'll see what happens."

Ashley can be seen gassing out a bit and Amanda seems to be catching up to her. This is the type of race Dani wanted to see. She just hopes that the guys do better. Amanda wins and that means Sylvia and Ashley are going into the last elimination round. The guys round was kind of a mess as well but there was a surprising turn of events with Shane winning the challenge having Nelson and Anthony be sent into the elimination round as well.

Elimination winners return:

Dani was back near the water eyes closed feeling the the sunset on her face. She had decided that this was going to something she would be doing for as long as she was here competing. She couldn't wait yo see who would be returning because that would mean it would be there last time waking up there. Seeing Sylvia and Nelson return and having them say to pack up was the best thing ever. She ran to get all her stuff together so that she could finally be free of all the bugs and sleep in a normal bed and shower in a normal shower. When they got to the house she made sure to grab a room away from everyone to be away from the noise for as long as she could. She could tell their was going to be a twist with all the extra beds in the house but she didn't want to dwell on it for the night. After checking out the house and hanging out with everyone. She decided to go shower and get ready for bed.

Next challenge day:

Everyone was dressed and walking up to TJ all smile and everything but Dani felt like something was going to change with the way TJ was standing there and looking at them. When he announces that to be a champion, you have to beat the champions.

Dani's confessional:
"Seeing the champs walking out I couldn't help but mentally pat myself on the back for knowing that there would be a bigger twist in this game cause I mean come on TJ loves keeping us on our toes. The one thing I didn't expect was to look at all the champs and have my heart fluttering over one of them. Geez Dani what are you doing to yourself get your head in the game" *places head in her hands while shaking it*

Authors note: Now that the champs are introduced to being in the game there will be more character conversations added into the story. I just wanted to speed through the episodes until that champs made it.

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