A River of Endless Light

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Dani was watching as both CT and Darrell got ready to start the challenge

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Dani was watching as both CT and Darrell got ready to start the challenge. This was definitely going to be a nail biter. As soon as TJ blew the horn they were off. Darrell seemed to be utilizing the whole cage. CT on the other seemed to be making this huge knot in one place.

Dani's confessional:
"I am watching CT make this big ass knot in his cage and I don't even know where it starts. They both are starting to look exhausted but once they switch they gotta power through it."

CT looks absolutely gassed out but his knot looks a hell of a lot more complicated than what Darrell created for him. Darrell has to climb through and figuring out while CT just has to move around more places.
Dani: come CT! This is where you power through it. Keep it up!

Dani's confessional:
"Yeah I'm cheering for CT to win. He's been one of the nicest to me in the house and he created a hell of a knot to weave through."

Ultimately CT ended up beating Darrell taking that final step over the line with the rope. Once he crossed he just fell onto his back. Everyone began to clap sending off those who had lost the elimination. TJ announce that everyone still standing in the fortress was going to the final. They all immediately began cheering and celebrating. He also mentions that they would be going on a little vacation to a private beach resort. He also says that they shouldn't get too comfortable because the finals were coming soon and they would be the hardest yet.

At a Club:
It was crazy to think that they had finally made it to a final and for Dani she was very glad that she was doing it with the people she started with. She watched as Nicole seemed kind of down because of Laurel leaving the game so she started to comfort her with Cory.

Back at The Oasis:
Dani was sitting at the table with Nelson and Nicole just hanging out and talking. They were also watching Cory and Camila kiss. Nicole was talking about how much it sucked that Laurel left and she started crying. Dani understood what she was going through because that's what she went through when Johnny had first left. Nelson was telling her that she had them and she just had to keep pushing through.

Everyone was trying to have a good night before the start of the final. After awhile Dani decided to go to bed. After saying goodnight she climbed into bed. She needed all of her energy if she was going to have a chance of winning.

Going on vacation:
Everyone was packing up to leave The Oasis and go on this vacation that TJ set up for them. The pace they were staying at was so nice and Dani was so excited. Nelson tried to pop a bottle of champagne and then he ended up dropping it.

Later in that night they had got a note for a cleansing renewal to let things go. All Dani wanted to let go was all of her doubts. CT looked kind of down about this whole thing so she went to go and talk to him.
Dani: hey are you okay? Like do you just need someone to talk to because I know what day it is today and I'm here if you want to talk about her or about it at least.
CT: I just miss her you know. She was a great person and she changed my life.
Dani: I can see that. But she will always be in your heart. You were meant to meet each other and be a part of each other's lives. Come on, let's get this ceremony over with.

They started cheering to what they wanted for their futures and letting go of their past. Dani was excited for what her future held for her once she got home. She definitely knew that seeing Johnny and figuring out their relationship outside of the game was also something to look forward to.

Dani's confessional:
"God this ceremony is so emotional *wipes her tears away* but I am thankful that we were able to do something like this. To symbolically let go of the past and try to heal was needed. I look forward to seeing my family again after this and celebrating with them no matter what the outcome ends up being."

Later in the night they went out to eat and while there they got a clue saying that the next day was when the final challenge will start. They were all talking about how hard finals were but that the feeling when you win is what keeps them coming back.

The next morning everyone was dressing up into their gear and Dani's nerves were through the roof. Leaving the house they climbed into a boat to basically head to their slaughter. Getting out and standing in front of TJ. He congratulates them first on making it into it. Each underdog would split $85,000 dollars between everyone. He also announces that the final would be hard because for the first time in history would be three days long. They had to dig deep in order to complete. TJ says that they would have to lose something in order to win something else and that the thing they would be losing their teams. The final would be an individually completed one. Best time between all the guys and girls.

They would still be competing with pairs changing each round but the very last one would be competed all by themselves. They had to change out of their team uniforms and back to individual team jerseys. TJ tells them to choose their partners for the first round. Dani ends up getting Nelson and she wasn't mad about it because she knew that he could swim and that she could probably complete the puzzle pretty quick.

Nelson falls behind Dani a little and she notices that CT and Camila are far ahead of all them so far. She just kept on punching herself through.

Dani's confessional:
"I'm over here not too far behind CT and Camila. Nelson on the other hand is starting to fall way behind. All I hope is that we can complete this at a good enough time so that we are still within reach to win first place. Well at least for me cause next round we switch partners."

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