Chapter Two

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Class ended, I look around to see if the popular's left, they did.

Yess! Looks like this one's just too weird for them!.....maybe for me too but whatever!

I get up from my seat and turn around, there he is, looking out the window. He seems to be fighting with something in his mind.

He squints his eyes I think in pain, I start giggling.

He jumps and turns to look at me.


"Sorry eh, it's just, the face you were making was really funny!" I say trying not to sound anxious.

He doesn't say anything, he just stares at me. I start to get uncomfortable.

Why isn't he saying anything?....maybe I should give him a tour...I don't know y/n he looks like he'll kill me....nah I'm just overthinking.

"Eh, Sunny right? I'm Y/n it's nice to meet you" I extend my hand, thankfully he shakes it.

"Do you- would you like to have a tour with me?" He nods and gets up.

That was unexpected....

"O-okay then, follow me"


"...and last but not least, this is the cafeteria or as I'd like to call it, the zoo" I laugh at my own joke.

I look at Sunny, he seems to be day dreaming again, he does it a lot.

"I think there's pizza today, wanna go get some?"

His stomach grumbles, he looks at me and nods.

I just realized that he hasn't said a word this whole time. Maybe he just doesn't like to talk? I would understand...I don't like to talk to strangers either. I'm guessing that's why I don't have my desired friend group huh? Self realization moment LOL.

We go get the pizza and sit down on an empty table. He starts munching on his pizza, I open packets of ranch and dip my pizza in it.

He stares at me as I take a bite out of it.

"What?" I say munching on the piece.

He points at my ranch filled tray then points at his lips.

"You want to try? Sure thing! Go ahead!"

He hesitates for a few seconds then dips his pizza in the ranch and takes a bite. His face turns from really boring to slightly normal.

"Is it good?" I ask, he nods and dips his pizza in my ranch again.

"Oi, this is my ranch filled tray, go get your own! There is a limit to how much ranch we can get you know?!"

He ignores me and keeps dipping his pizza in my ranch.

"It seems like you two are having fun, can I join?" Someone behind me says, I turn around and it's Arabella.

"Oh hey Arabella! Yes, this is Sunny, he's new here"

"Oh hello Sunny, I'm Arabella Y/n's best friend" she reaches her hand out to him, he shakes it.

"How's this school so far? Do you like it?" Arabella asks.

He shrugs and she looks confused.

"I think he doesn't like to talk much, can't blame him, I'm like that too"

Arabella giggles and says "then how are we supposed to form that desired friend group of yours?"

"I've never thought about that...or maybe I have and I forgot" I tap my head

"You have such short memory- you only remember when it benefits you" Arabella says finally sitting down.

"Not really, sometimes I have to pretend I'm in reverse in order to remember things"

I hear a 'pfft' come from Sunny. I turn to look at him but he's looking the other way.

"What are you laughing at? Huh?" I get closer to him.

"Ya think it's funny to have short term memory loss?! Well let me-" I pause my sentence as he turns back to me, our noses touch.



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