Chapter Nine

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I enter my class and sit where I usually do. 

I feel someone tap my shoulder, I turn to see that it's Arabella.

"Hey it's been a while hasn't it?" she says smiling, I smile back and nod.

"Where you've been? announcement club again?" I say turning fully towards her.

she nods, "yeah! and get this, it's almost homecoming time!" she squeals excitingly.

(homecoming huh? I wonder which boy will be brave enough to ask me out! haha!) 

"y/n? Y/n!" Arabella says making me snap out of my daydream. 

"huh? oh sorry!" I say shaking my head. 

she smiles weakly, "it's alright...I bet you're expecting a prince again?" I start to get flustered "w-what!? how'd you get to that conclusion!".

she giggles, "because you do the same thing every time I mention an upcoming dance!" (am I really that predicable!?) I sigh and place my head on the desk.

I stare out the window and I slowly see a figure pop up behind me, it looks very familiar.

I see it come closer to me and I get scared to I turn to look at it in case it's a kidnaper but instead I'm greeted by Sunny.

I calm my reflexes down and sigh, "what the heck Sunny, you almost made me jump out of my body!" I say practically yelling.

He smiles brightly which confuses me, "a-anyway, hey!" I say trying to make decent conversation. 

He pauses, he looks at me with determination again and opens his mouth, "h-h..hi!".

I get surprised, (did he really just say hi to me!?) I smile brighter at him almost glowing and say "woah! hihi! hi Sunny!".

He smiles again and takes a seat behind me, I turn to look at him still surprised.

"So, what'd you have for breakfast?" I say trying to hear more of his voice.

He stares at me nervously, then he looks at the ground, "".

I pout, "Sunny you know it's good for you to eat breakfast right! Healthy means fit! Fit means strong! Strong means flex!"

I stand up and pose, "and just like Pluto from that captain spaceboy comic, 'when I flex, I feel my best!'"

He stares at me for a few seconds, then slightly starts laughing.

I start laughing too and by the time we've calmed down class has started.


Two amazing choices stand in front of me, Pizza and PB&J.

I look at both of them, my eyes switching left and right, (hmm) I think to myself.

(It is a Friday is a way to go but...I promised myself PB&J today...) I place a finger on my chin.

(You know what? Fine!) I take the Pizza with fries and take an apple juice.

I sniff dramatically crying, (maybe next time my sweet PB&J...).

I sit down at a lunch table with no one on it, I sigh and place my tray on the table.

I look at what everyone else has for lunch, PB&J.

I smash my head onto the table, (why!? Why me!? Maybe God made me "different" from the others today!).

I hear someone sit next to me so I turn to look at them, it's Sunny.

"Oh, hey Sunny...what'd you get for lunch today?" I ask sitting up right.

He shows me his tray which unsurprisingly also has PB&J.

I slam my head onto the table again, (NOOOOO!) I grab my hair like a maniac.

Sunny starts to laugh which takes me by surprise again and I look at him.

He stares at me, then at his tray, then at me again.

"" He asks quietly pushing his tray over to me.

I smile brightly at him beaming, "for reals!?" (No what are you doing y/n! You're going to rob your good friend!)

I shake my head, "no thanks Sunny, I've got to resist this urge until next Friday!" I raise my head up high and feel confident.

He smiles at me which makes me feel all squeamish, then he looks at his tray and saddens.

He looks at me again with hopeful eyes, "" I don't know why, I don't know how, but all of a sudden I get the urge to just smush his face into mine.

(Ack Sunny why do you have to be so adorable!?) I look at my tray, and then I look at him, "f-fine.." I say finally accepting defeat.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑲𝒊𝒅 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑨𝒏 𝑬𝒚𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉/ 𝑆𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑋 𝑌/𝑛 Where stories live. Discover now