Chapter 14

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Sophia POV

Tuesday morning I was up, slowly, and out the door. I had school today and was determined to go. I left the house a little earlier than usual since it would take longer to get to school with how much slower I was currently walking. To pass the time I, as usual, was texting the group chat.

Sophia: hey guys

Peter: hey

Mama: why ru up so early

Sophia: walking to school

Peter: u do realize that it's 7:15

school starts at 8:30

Sophia: yea ik

Just wanna make sure im on time

I continued to talk to them until I got to school at about 7:45. I look around for Peter but know he'll be a while. Instead of him I see Wanda wearing a cup and sunglasses. Confused, I go over to her.

"Oh Sophia" she said "I came to talk to you but I wasn't sure when your school started"

"I'm early today so we have enough time to talk before class. What do you want to talk to me about" I type into my phone

"um" she looks around and see some of the other kids that come early "can we go someplace more... private"

"OK sure" I type confused. I led her to the side field of the school. Nobody would be there in the morning.

"Why are you here" I ask

"wanted to make sure you're OK" she said simply

"why" I was confused

"I know getting blasted by my powers and Tony's repulsor is bound to hurt" she says quietly. I look at her in shock. Mouth opening and closing surprise.

"Yeah I know it was you" she says

"how" I ask

"the first day you were here you closed your mind off to me. Not something normal people can do." She explains "with the amount of knowledge you have on shadow and Spider-Man, it's obvious that you knew them more than most people. Last thing was the weirdest. The voice the shadow had yesterday was exactly the same as your phone's automated voice. Now that could just be a coincidence but even Jarvis saw the similarities."

I put my head in my hands in front of me and groaned. shit I thought

"who else knows" I sign totally forgetting she didn't know

"just me. Natasha wasn't there and she has had this top-secret mission with Maria that she's been worrying about" she says surprise me

' you know sign language' I ask surprised

"Pietro and I learned when we were taken in. So we could talk with Clint more." She explain to me

'That makes sense' I signed. We are silent for a couple moments before she breaks it.

"I'm sorry" she said looking at me

' what for' I replied confused

"for hurting you yesterday"

' it's all good'

"Are you sure? Does it hurt"

' it's OK Wanda, you were just doing your job'

"doesn't mean I have to hurt you," she says looking down. I put a finger under her chin and brought her head up looking into her eyes.

"It's OK Wanda. Really" I say using my voice for the first time since I can remember. Wanda leans  into a hug and she says OK into my shoulder. We stayed there for a while with Wanda sitting in my arms while we hugged against a tree in the back corner of the field. I don't know how long we stay there for, but we finally sit up as a whirlwind of blue surrounding us.

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