The King of Omashu

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As they walk along the snowy path, Sokka whispers to Katara. "I'm telling you! He looked exactly like the girl in the painting. Something is happening here, and I don't like that we're unaware of what it is."

Katara sighs as she stares ahead at the eldest boy. "Even if that princess looked exactly like him, Sokka, that doesn't mean Polu was her."

Sokka throws his hands in the air. "He said they were cousins, Katara! What cousins- heck, what twins look exactly the same when one is a boy and one is a girl?"

The girl throws her hands in the air and turns to her brother. "I don't know, Sokka. I think we should trust Polu regardless. If he isn't comfortable sharing - or if there's nothing to share - then we shouldn't fault him for that."

The older teen grumbles but relents. I still don't trust him. They look too similar to be a coincidence.

"The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!"

Polu smiles sadly at the walls. I wonder how much it's changed since I was last here. Did cousin Rimu ever have children?

"I used to come here to visit my friend Bumi," Aang states proudly. He glances at the prince beside him, who is lost in thought.

Bumi. Did he ever have kids? Father would have his head if he didn't. I hope Bumi met a peaceful end.

"Well, let's go, slowpokes! The real fun is inside the city."

Polu raises an eyebrow at the airbender. "Aang, do you really think the people of Omashu are going to put up with your schemes? Do you not remember what happened one of the last times you were here?"

Aang smiles sheepishly. "Yeah, but that's what makes it fun! Besides, you were there to make sure things didn't go bad."

Polu snorts. "Sure, I was there. After you'd already done it, though."

"Aw, come on! Just one time, please?" The boy makes pleading eyes at his older friend.

He relents. "Okay, okay, fine. One time, though."

The siblings behind them exchange a nervous glance. What exactly are we here to do?

Aang leaps into the air.

"Wait, Aang! It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar." Polu looks at Katara and nods.

"You need a disguise," Sokka adds.

"So, what am I supposed to do, grow a mustache?"

Polu grins wickedly at Sokka. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I think I am."

The teens grab Appa's loose fur and spread it along Aang's skull and under his nose.

"Oh, this is so itchy. How do you live in this stuff?"

Polu snorts as his friend scratches his head.

"Great! Now you look just like my grandfather." Sokka lets out a laugh.

"Technically, Aang is 112 years old." She watches as Polu pokes at the giant bison. "And Polu is 116."

"Now, let's get to skipping, young whippersnappers!"

Polu groans. "Please, tell me you're not going to do your old man routine."

Aang stares at his friend incredulously. "What did you say to me, boy? I am your grandfather!"

The boy snorts as he walks away. "Whatever you say, old man."


The four make their way along the narrow path to Omashu. Polu feels a part of him die at the length of the road. I certainly didn't miss this part of visiting the city.

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