Avatar Roku

135 5 4

Oh, this is late. Oops.

TW: dissociation, trauma flashback, suggestive comments, attempted murder

Polu is shaken awake in the middle of the night. "Hm?"

The dim light of the moon allows the teen to barely make out the figure of Sokka above him. "Shh. We're trying to figure out what Aang's up to."

Polu sits up to find Katara nervously glancing between the boys and outside.

"Alright, I'm coming. Just give me a second." He rubs his eyes with a yawn, moving to stand slowly.

"Come on!" Sokka pulls Polu outside, hands tightly intertwined.

Polu can't help the blush that creeps onto his face. For a moment, he allows himself to wonder what it would be like to hold Sokka's hand more often. He abruptly shakes his head.

Don't be ridiculous. Sokka is most definitely not into guys, and I am not into him. He barely likes me as it is.

"Look, I'm sorry, but Katara, Sokka, and Polu aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. If they got hurt, or if the Fire Nation takes Polu again, I'd never forgive myself."

Polu stiffens as Katara and Sokka briefly turn to him, eyes wide.

"So get your big butt off the ground and let's go!"

Polu takes the opportunity to step out of the shadows and toward his friend. "I think his big butt is trying to tell you something."

He walks forward and reaches a helping hand out to Aang, who had just fallen to the ground. Polu ignores the whispers of the villagers behind him.

Katara follows behind the prince. "Please don't go, Aang. The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation. Neither can I."

In a flash, Aang grasps Polu's hand and stands upright. "But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means. I need to get to the fire temple before the sun sets on the solstice"

Polu squeezes Aang's hand in reassurance as the boy pleads with his friends.

Guilt courses through the Avatar as he pulls from Polu's grip and leaps onto Appa.


Katara and Sokka place themselves in front of Appa to act as a barricade. Polu propels himself into the air with a chunk of earth and lands behind Aang on the bison's head.

"We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation, Aang," Katara huffs.

Sokka smirks up at the younger boy. "At least, not without your friends." His gaze briefly shifts to Polu's and the older smiles gratefully.

"We got your back," Sokka finishes. His gaze doesn't waiver from Polu's.

Aang turns to face Polu and smiles. Appa leans forward and licks Sokka, causing the pair on his head to giggle.

"You can't escape us that easily, kiddo," Polu murmurs.

Aang nods and gives his friend an awkward side-hug.

The mayor steps forward, offering a bag to Aang. "It's a long journey to Crescent Island. You'll have to fly fast to have any chance of making it before sundown. Good luck."

The man then lifts another bag to Polu and the teen nods his head in appreciation.

"Thank you for your-"


Polu smiles as he stands and flips backward onto the saddle. "Ready when you are, Arrowhead!"

The Avatar nods and jolts Appa's reins. Once their ascent levels out, Sokka turns to Polu with a raised eyebrow. "Was that backflip really necessary?"

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