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One day, a few months later after everything... And there was now already another child already running around, that of Ink and Dream, to the happy delight of Horror. By then he wasn't so afraid and soon him, Dust, and now Crescent, who by now was to attached to not go with the two were going to move into their own place. They weren't complaining though, they were very happy to have Crescent glued to them like their child that he now was.
Horror was happy...very...happy...except for one thing he's noticed... Him and PJ had also gotten close, but this was due to more unfortunate reasons... They had talked a little bit about what had happened, probably because PJ thought that some how he'd understand everything more...and it was sad that he did...
But the day before they were going to leave, as Horror packed the few items he had accumulated over the past months, the door opened. Standing in the door way was PJ, looking dazed and paranoid like he always seemed to now a days... But Horror was still happy to see him, even though he already knew that something bad was coming with the visit...especially with the grim look the child had...
"Hey PJ, how-"
"I wanna talk to you...before you go...please?.."
"Of course...wanna come sit down?"
Nodding, the child walked over to Horror and sat next to him on the bed. It went quiet for a few moments, and before Horror could speak PJ did instead.
"How is Crescent alive? I don't understand that..."
"Why not-"
"I know- Well I have dreams now...and I thought about it... I'm sorry for you, but can you tell me why? With Cres?"
Horror was somewhat surprised that PJ knew about what he was talking about, but Horror wasn't to shocked...nothing was to surprising anymore...
"He's made of magic, like you are- or well-"
"I figured out I was, after what Error did it wasn't to hard to put those pieces together."
"Oh...I suppose that... Never mind, but anyways Cres is made from magic...and we're still figuring out what that means for him, as your parents are for you and your brother..."
"Ok...that makes sense..."
"Yeah...but anyways anything else buddy? Gotta go soon, so anything you wanna say?"
...I thought about it that day, and few days before then... I hadn't even told my parents what had happened that night...that night they found me...and now I was going to tell him... Though I felt confused about why I wanted to, I understand why I did now...
"Yes...I...I do have something else I wanna tell you..."
I said, looking over at Horror who was still taller then me even though I was now in my about mid ish, to be fair, about the height of a short high schooler. With a warm smile, Horror looked at me and lightly chuckled.
"Go ahead, I'll listen, you know that"
"Heh yeah...I...I just wanna say thank you...for everything..."
"Thank you? To me? Me and your parents should be the ones thanking you, you are the one watching our boys in your home for the next week-"
"Until their place is ready, they wanted to live close by so I mine as well get used to having them around shouldn't I?"
"Hmhm I'd say, and I've over heard they want children, I'd be more worried to watch the little demon they make then just the both of them."
"Heh aren't we both"
We both lightly laughed, slowly calming down as I stood up.
"Really did what my parents couldn't, no matter how hard they understood what they couldn't..."
"I'm not happy that I did, that you had to understand all of that...but I'm at least happy that I was here to help you after the fact..."
"Me to..."
"Um PJ? You coming!?-"
"Don't pester your brother-"
"Oh stop it-! PJ!?"
Again we laughed hearing Gradient and Crescent lightly argue about Gradient needing to give me some more time to talk to Horror.
"They bicker like a married couple..."
"God help us when that happens-"
"PJ we both know how happy you'll be for them."
"I will be, but I'll still pick on them"
"I know that, but anyways you should probably go."
"I know..."
Giving Horror a hug, we embraced for a few seconds before parting.
"Talk to you soon, ok?"
"Mhm, bye Horror"
"Bye PJ..."
I left, that day with my brother and his now boyfriend Cres. They didn't stay long, even less days then they had said...but I wouldn't have minded either way...
...I can't stop thinking about what happened though, now that they're gone...all the memories just seemed to flow back...after this...and after helping Dust and Horror...
It all started again when they were sad that Cres was moving out...and then went to them wanting to have another child...but failing again, and again...and again... They ended up going to Science, who just told them that they'd need a surrogate because of everything that Nightmare had done to Horror's body.
My Dad couldn't, not having any embodiment or even part of a soul, my other dad Dream couldn't either...being pregnant again...with his  and Dads fifth kid...and Blue couldn't either, not having the right flow of magic to do so... So I said I would, and I did...and now I was a couple months along, and taking my meds in my now empty apartment.
Shakily I shoveled a few pills into my mouth, drinking some water to get them down- Only for me to throw them up half an hour later... I was warned that if I were to surrogate that the dosage of my meds would have to be brought down, so it'd be safe for the baby... I didn't tell Horror or Dust this though, they don't know that I'm taking less and most of the time none of my meds...normally just throwing them up an hour or so after I take them... They wouldn't have let me do this if they knew that...
My Dad tried to help me when my problems started to happen, acting out at school, stuttering, the hallucinations, and other fun things like that... To say the least he didn't succeed. Daddy tried to use his positive magic to help me- But that only caused other issues... Then they tried using Dad's viles, but pure emotions by them selves weren't enough... So they went to Science and eventually got me something that helped by using the viles, but doing something else to them first...
But even then I..I struggled as a kid...I don't know how I'm not more fucked up when all of that happened... My parents really tried their best after all of that though, but I did not make it easy...and I probably still don't...
I still haven't told them everything, Horror knows more then they do...about the torture, pain....the ra- I...I don't wanna think about that ... Horror is the only one I told about it though... He helped so much, that being part of the reason I'm doing this for him...well that and I know he isn't to fucked to not be a good parent...unlike I probably am. He took care and raised Cres, better then any of us probably could have... Me and Cres bonded when we were young, he's like another brother to me- and also as we soon learned we went through a lot of the same crap...
Nightmare saw Crescent as a mistake, and something dangerous, something bad that was never meant to be. There was apparently always some hint of fear of what Cres would become...but not enough to stop Nightmare from tormenting him. He would close Cres's tentacles in the door when he fought, and beat and do other forms of torture when he persisted... Along with that he had to listen to what Nightmare did to Killer- Even though then he was much to young to remember, and then Horror who he remembered the voice of vividly... That was part of the reason they connected so well though, if I remember correctly...I'm not sure of most things anymore though, because of the pills and all.
"I think...that's enough thinking...remembering...and all of that...for one day at least..."
Groggily sitting up, I suddenly felt the urge to vomit again and got back down near the toilet. After that I was finally ok enough to get up and stumble out of the bathroom, ignoring the small teal light in my living room and just going to bed.
I fell onto bed, groggily shedding my clothes and crawling under the covers. I could already feel the slight hints of panic and paranoia beginning to set in, but I had to ignore it and go to bed or else I wouldn't be able to... Looking down at my still rather small ecto belly, I put a hand on it and smiled.
"Good night you... You're a pain in the ass, but I love ya...and you make me feel less alone..."
"You know it can't hear you...right..?"
With a grumble, I sat up and looked at Nightmare, who was standing at the foot of my bed ominously. I only sighed when I saw him...
"What do you want?"
"What don't I want at this point...that stupid creature took all I had...even that wretched boy..."
"And you think I care? Really?"
Nightmare looked at me, and smirked as he cackled.
"Ehe, no I know you don't... None of this is real to you..."
"Then spare me the banter would you?"
I snarled, laying back down in bed and covering my ears with a pillow...but I could still hear him...
"...I'll find a way you know, to get what once was back..."
"...I know...but I'm not worried, not yet... I've already prepared myself for it..."
"You say that now...but you are just as naive as you were when you were young, and no matter how many pills you take, how many times you go to your parents for help, that...that will change."
I felt my breath become I clamped the pillow on my head more...and tried to tone out all of the voices I knew were coming... Ready to succumb to the night, so I could wake up...tomorrow...and do it all
Little reminder for anyone who is interested to go comment under the 100 follower idea thing if interested! It's not just for the oneshots but it'll be for it's own separate book now that this had ended. (I'll pick and idea for the book :3)
Thank you to all, and hope you enjoyed the story ^^

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