the truth

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Vegas pov :

I was about to leave the room.. when I hear his voice Vegas!! I turn myself toward his direction
What? I said.. he got up from the bed coming toward my direction and standing in front of me ..

Vegas.. he said in a soft voice. and took my hand

Vegas "where are you going again" don't you want to stay here with me he said .. I can sense the pain and question in his voice

I release my hand from his hold and said If I slept with you accidentally that doesn't mean I care about you or something else ..

I know you slept with me accidentally and i didn't expect anything from you I just want to know the truth why you act that when it's not my fault he said while looking at me ...

What do you want to know huhh ?? Okay I'll tell you now listen carefully Mr Pete bcz your the one asking for the truth THAT MY DAD FORCE ME TO MARRY YOU THAT I DON'T EVEN INTO BOYS THAT I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND WHOM I LOVE THE MOST THAT YOUR JUST THE BURDEN FOR ME THAT YOUR JUST THE UNWANTED PERSON IN LIFE !! I shout all this at him ..

He stunned after listening what I said tears starting to dripping from his eyes Vegas "he call my name in a soft broken voice"

Owww !!! Plz stop with your crying it's annoying me now you know I don't interest in you I love my gf and I want to spend my life with her not you ....

So stop expecting  lovely dovey mornings and lovefull nights from me i don't even want to stay here but dad forced me to do ..

"My mind was already messed up now you make it more" after said this I left the room I left him crying alone ..

Pete pov:
I was stunned after what he say I don't know what to do I feel so useless I'm entering someone life who doesn't want me who just see me as a burden I'm an unwanted person for him ...

If he is a straight why his dad makes him to marry me why he agrees why they make my life like that i started to cry after thinking this things my head feels like it's about to explore ....

And again he never comes back I'm bearing this pain all alone I'm fighting with my own thoughts now I'm totally messed up I want shout I want to release all the feeling that burning inside of me ...

I was lost deep in thoughts  when I hear the birds chirping and see the sunshine coming from the curtains now.. I realized I was crying whole night ....

"No no I don't have to be like this I should have to try at least once I'm married to him.. he is my husband "even if he don't want me even if he don't love me" I should try ..

I need answers I need to ask him why his father force him to marry me when he already know his son is straight and also have a girlfriend...

Authors pov

Hello everyone new update hope you guys enjoy and thanks again for liking my story Guys I love y'all 💖and I know this chapter is short but I promise next one is gonna be long .....

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