even if you don't love me

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Pete pov:

After freshing myself I go downstairs as usual his subordinates standing at front of the hall .. "where is Vegas" I ask nop his personal bodyguard .. boss is staying in a room 4 on upstairs at the left side of the hall he said .... I go to upstairs and standing in infront of the room where Vegas is staying
I knock at the door ... 

Vegas pov:

After getting angry on him I was staying on another room all night I kept thinking about him he looks so hurt when I told all the things to him yeah it's not his fault nor mine ...

I was lost in thoughts when I hear the knock at door come in ! I said I thought it's my bodyguard or some maid but I when look up its him after watching standing in front of me I rolled my eyes and look away from him ... "What are you doing here" I ask him

Vegas I need to talk with you he said .. I guess we already talk all the things out Pete what you want to hear now I said to him ..
He walk towards the side of the bed and sit on it he look at me and said ....

Vegas if your straight and your father knows about it also you have a
Girlfriend then why did he force you to marry me .. I listen but didn't say anything ..

He look at me with pleading eyes and said Vegas plz I need answers i want to know why you didn't say no why you agree with him..
Vegas my life being miserable only in two days what did I do wrong in the past that now I receive this kind of punishment ...

His eyes again filled with tears but he didn't let them fall he try his all best not cry I feel sadness and pain in his eyes but what can even I do when I don't do anything wrong ..

"I am not obliged to answer your questions"

Why?? He said I'm not even want to talk to you now get lost !! I said with anger

Vegas plz listen to me why you hate me so much when it's not my fault.. Vegas plz I just want to be frnd with you I know you don't want me as your wife but I least we should be frnds ..

Vegas its hurt to live like this its hurts to live Alone its hurt when my heart need answers plz don't do this I can't take this I know you love your girlfriend and I won't stop you from loving her ...

But at least don't leave me alone here he said with a pleading voice ..

I look at him his eyes filled with un shed tears his eyes is so deep feels like I'm drowning in the deep ocean I want to touch his beautiful face I want to wipe his tears ...

But I can't!! if do it I will be ended up regreted I don't want to cheat my gf ...

Look Pete your not alone you can do anything you want.. continue your studies or even if you want to go outside wants to meet your friends  feel free to go I won't stop you ...

"He smiles but I know his smile is not the genuine one"  I know Vegas I know I can do anything I can go anywhere but I don't want to all I need is you to be my side just a little ..

And I don't want to be your side it's up to you to accept or not ..

"Now leave" i want to call my girlfriend I said he get up from the bed and leave the room ..

Pete pov:

He doesn't answer to my questions what he hide from me I want to know but he didn't even ready to talk to me.. its hurt when he mention his girlfriend in a talk..

Whenever I feel like giving up, I remember my mother's words
We enters in people's life to give them love and happiness even if they don't give us the same affection back that doesn't mean we loss that's mean we wins Because not everyone has the capacity to share happiness without taking  anything in return..

If even if you don't love me Vegas I will be always by your side in your bad times even in your good times I'll always there for you.. I said to my self and tears started to dripping from my eyes ...

Authors pov

Hey guys new update.  I was a bit busy so couldn't post earlier ..
So what do you think about this chapter make sure to comment ..

And what's your condition after watching concert clips and videos bcz mine is not good they all are so good and minor family is Hella sexy ...

And thanks guys this story reached 4k reads just Bcz of your love for my story love y'all 💗🤗

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