plan changed

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Vegas Pov:

My life is complete since the Pete enters in my life I know that I'm was not behaving well with him in the past I made many mistakes.

In the past, I always think my one and only love is Kamala but when Pete enters in my life I realize that she is not for me.

I always want to be straight, I kept saying to myself that I'm straight, and I always denied the feelings that I have for Pete.

I don't want to become a cheater that's why I always denied Pete love, and also I don't want to break her heart.

But when I know that she cheats me she betrayed me then there is no reason for me to be loyal with her.

So, I decided to give my love to the person who always craving for my love.

8 months already passed and delivery date of Kamala is getting near I discuss my plan with dad that how we will save the heir of theerapanyakul's.

My love for Pete getting deeper and deeper day by day, Pete is sunshine whenever I see his face my all worries vanished immediately.

I'm doing some work in my office Pete also is not at home bcz he is taking his exam nowadays he is so busy Bcz of his final examination.

I'm so lost in my thoughts when my phone rings.

It's Kamala I pick up the phone and ask what happen

Kamal: Vegas I'm at hospital

Vegas: what okay I'm coming I said and left the office in a hurry my only concern is my child I know they plan something, but I don't care If anything happens I believe dad will handle it.

I rushed to hospital and ask the receptionist, she told me about the room and I went there.

I'm waiting outside the operation theater after, sometimes.

I listen small crying of the baby inside from the operation theater a smile immediately spread on my face.

Then doctor came and said Mr. Vegas congratulations she gave birth to the baby boy I smile and ask the doctor how's my baby is he okay.

Yeah, he is totally fine and healthy baby he said and left.

After sometimes I went inside the room and see kamala is totally awake but the baby cries continuously and nurse trying to calm him down.

Mr. Vegas he is hungry, and your wife doesn't want to feed him, in fact she doesn't even look at the baby or hold him the nurse said.

Give him to me I said then nurse put the baby in my arms gently can you please give him some other milk I said yes ofc Mr. vegas she said and left for getting the milk for baby.

I don't say anything to her but hold my baby in arms securely, he is totally looking like me .

"So cute and soft his eyes lips everything is resembles of mine I smile at him softly"

Why don't you ask that why I don't want to hold the baby or feed him Kamala said.

I look at her with pure hatred bcz I knew your plans, I said while gritting my teeth to control my anger .

And don't worry I won't let you take my baby anywhere "told your so called boyfriend that my baby is secure in my arms now and his plans never going to work".

"She looks at me and give me a smirk, do you think Vegas me and my boyfriend that dumb that we tell you before giving birth to your baby".

Yeah, first we plan to take your most precious thing away from you to take revenge but you know what we changed the plan.

"Now you have to worried about your life your prince for whom you want to make an empire she laughs maniacally".

Then suddenly my phone rings, I pick up immediately, and it's nop.

Khun vegas Khun Pete is not in the university, he said in a worried voice my eyes widened in shock.

Author pov

Hy guys after a long time sorry for letting you wait that much guys ..

Hope you enjoy this chapter guys don't forget to give your point of views.

I love y'all 💗 thank you so much for reading my story 💕

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