end of the all the problems

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Part 1

Vegas pov

After listening the news, I feel like the whole world crashing down .

I immediately give baby to nop and told him to take the baby in theerapanyakul's mansion ..

After that, I hurriedly leave the hospital I'm driving when my phone rings I pick up the phone “hi old fellow” I immediately know whose speaking

I know max you want to take your revenge, but now it's useless it's already been years what do you want from us .

really, it's easy for you to say that it's useless to take my revenge now you don't know Vegas how many years I spent with this hatred growing inside of me.

You killed the most precious person of mine, I will not forgive you, and now I will kill the most precious of yours.

Flashback to 6 years before:

Daeng's  and theerapanyakul's are business partners, "but Deng's betrayed theerapanyakul's for selling their information to their worst enemy" .

That day when war is going between the clans I was there that time I'm only 18 years old there is a blood and dead bodies of bodyguards everywhere.

"My father shot the every person who comes to his way".

I'm also shot the bodyguards who try to attack me then suddenly max came he points the gun at me and I do the same.

"What happen Vegas he asked in a high tone" bcz there are loud voices of guns.

I know everybody gets confused
But before this war me and max are friends from childhood bcz are families are business partners.

I don't know also dad says your father betrayed us, I also said in high tone.

What !! No, my father say you peoples betrayed us he said.

I'm shocked of what he said, I mean what the truth is who is lying and who is not.

He's also getting confused we don't know "Vegas what is truth or what is not but if we don't fight in this battle our fathers punish us for sure" so we have to pretend that we are also enemies he said and i nods at what he said.

After this, we separated paths and goes to different direction while shooting the bodyguards.

"Suddenly, I saw my father goes inn daeng's direction and hold the gun towards his head" .

He also did the same, I don't know where max is, but I walked towards my father direction "when suddenly someone's appears and put the gun to the back of my father's head".

I immediately point my gun towards that person's direction.

"I saw max standing behind is father while panting hard".

Ohh my father laugh mockingly, so you also trained your so-called daughter to point a gun towards me huhh ??

Then I realized who that person is "she is the adopted daughter of inn and max loves her so much he told me many times that how he fall in love with her and how he love her".

Yes, I trained her so what she is my daughter, don't dare to say anything bad about her.

Haha haha okay, okay I don't say anything bad about her, what about I'll directly kill her my father said in a serious tone.

Vegas !! My father shouts what are you waiting for, shoot her he said.

And my eyes widened of what he said
I straighten up my gun, but I don't want to shot her bcz I know how much max love her.

"Max who standing behind his father nods his head in a denial his eyes literally begs me to not to shot her I saw the pain in his eyes".

Vegas don't you listen what I said, or you also want to betray your father pa shouts.

"I'm stuck in a horrible situation, I don't want to become the traitor for not shooting her and I also don't want to become the enemy of max to shot her".

Vegas don't you listen my father again shouts.

And inn and father argues with each other and shouting at each other.

"My brain becomes numb and stop functioning, and I don't know what to do"

"Again my father shouts and bang!! I shot her. Her body slowly clasping to the ground".

End of the flashback

Hello guys it's been a long time I'm sorry for that. there is a new chap of even if you don't love me so guys this story is about to end but don't worry I already uploaded my new FF "it's hard to get your love" I hope you guys enjoy and support that FF as much as you support even if you don't love me.

Thank you guys so much for supporting my FF that much I really appreciate you guys I love you all ❤️❤️  

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