Chapter 13: A Mirrored Jealousy

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a/n excited for y'all to read this one! It's a long(er) chapter so buckle up!

I continued running as fast I could hoping not to trip over rocks or twigs nearby. I could hear my phone dinging from the notifications that Michael and Toast were probably sending.

I smiled widely as I ran, breeze hitting me in the face and messing up my hair. It didn't matter though, I just needed to talk to Michael and Toast about today and what just happened.


After running into my driveway and into my house I quickly noticed my mom wasn't here, so I grabbed the key under the rug and unlocked our front door. I ran to the kitchen almost slipping and tripping over myself multiple times, I opened the fridge and scattered everything around for a water bottle. My eyes filled with glee once I saw one more left, I grabbed it and scrunched it in my hand. I slammed the fridge door shut leaving a small gast of air to hit me.

I messily opened the water and began drinking out of it while still running to my room. Water started running down my chin, along my neck and down my shirt. My phone began ringing, I powered on my PC in a rush. I released a groan from all the water I just swallowed, I placed the water bottle on my desk then swiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

I sat in my chair and a sigh of relief escaped my lips hazily. My eyes fluttered open and like a switch in my body, I just felt incredibly tired.

Jesus, I haven't felt that tired in forever!

My eyelids grew heavy, and my head fell slightly back until it was lying on the head rest of my chair, my chest was still heaving up and down trying to catch my breath.

Wow, I usually lift, but I should start running.

Then my phone started ringing at max volume. Almost like cat reflexes, I jumped out of my chair, almost falling to the floor along with my chair. I gripped the arm rest of my chair and remained balanced. I quickly grabbed my phone and as I knew, it was Michael.

I answered and brought the phone up to my ear, "hello?" I asked with slight rasp in my tone.

"You ok? It's been 10 minutes since you said you were gonna get on and-oh wait never mind, it says you just logged on." He chuckled excitingly, and sat back into his chair is what it sounded like from the creaking.

"I'm gonna hang up because I just invited you and Toast." My words were almost slurred and interrupted by a light yawn.

Without hesitation he hung up he and toast joined my party.

The two seemed worried, and kept hording me with questions.

I let them go on until they realized they had no more questions to ask, and well that didn't take too long. I chuckled under my breath. That's when I began explaining everything to them all my energy came back to life as I recalled the moments I had with her.

The whole time I was talking through a smile, one that I couldn't hide. It was also a smile I didn't feel shame for not hiding.

"Ooooh!~ Thomas, you really like her?" Michael asked in an excited, and high pitched voice.

I sighed and held my hands behind my head, "yeah." I said deeply, "yeah I do. She's just really amazing." Another smile creeped onto my face.

God, it's crazy I feel this way about her.. I didn't even know this feeling was possible.

"I'm sure she is, from the way you described her. I also think she might have something for you too y'know," Toast began making smooching noises directly into his mic which caused me to laugh faintly, "kissy feelings." He laughed after finishing his sentence. Michael joined him for the brief chuckle.

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